1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... their immunity, like to a d**g?” Hermione asked, rather impressed by the whole idea, despite herself. “That is the general concept.” Data replied. “How is it working?” “The results vary between individuals but there has been a general increase in ability to maintain decorum with the shields down, at least for short periods. I believe that, if not for your appearance on the bridge, we might have made it through the last unshielded period without any significant loss of self control. Unfortunately, such an attractive and sexually inflamed woman appearing naked and moaning right at the captain's feet was too much stimulation. I was f***ed to enact security measures designed to incapacitate the crew and extricate you from the bridge once it was clear that the entire bridge had lost control of themselves.” “Alright, I don't know that I buy everything you are saying but, at this point, I have little choice but to play along.” Hermione finally declared. “What I really want to know is how wizards ended up in space and, even more important, can you help me get back home?” “The answer to your first question is rather complicated. I can give you the basics but I will need to keep the details from you in order to avoid altering the time line once we get you back home.” Guinan told her. “I'll take whatever information you can give me, especially if it helps get me out of here.” Hermione replied. “Okay, the short version. Even back in the time you come from, the muggles had begun pushing ...
    ... technology to point that they could do many of the things we did with spells by using machines. As things progressed, they became even more efficient with their tech and we magic users realized that it was just a matter off time before they created a device that would let them see through the illusions we hid behind to keep our kind safe. There were three different possible solutions to our problem but after much heartfelt debate and not a few unfortunate duels to the death, it was decided that we should insinuate ourselves into this growing technological world and use our magic to guide the muggles and protect our secrets at the same time. Eventually it became clear that mankind needed to expand beyond the earth or we were going to wipe out our entire species. Luckily, by this time many powerful wizards were living among the muggles, posing as engineers and inventors. Those wizards and witches worked together in secret and pushed technology in the right direction. Just eighty years after the time you come from, mankind built their first star ship capable of interstellar travel. That first ship was unfortunately stolen as soon as it was finished and disappeared into the far reaches of space. Two years later we managed to build another vessel and launched it into space just in time to run into our first alien encounter with the Vulcan's, a race of humanoid people who celebrate logic above emotion. The Vulcans continue to be one of our closest allies even to this day. Since that ...