1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... head as her body began to shake with pleasurable release. She beat her fists against her robot lover's chest as she slammed her hips down on his pelvis and ground her engorged clit against him. Hermione thought she heard the chirping sound of the door again but she was too distracted by her own pleasure to pay it much mind. Her body felt as if an electrical current was passing through it, starting at her aching clitoris and shooting up her torso to her achingly hard nipples. Somewhere in the background she thought she heard the door chime once again but she was too lost in her own bliss to care. “Enter.” Data said loudly. “What?” She asked breathlessly, thinking that Data was talking to her. “Well this is certainly an interesting sight,” said another strange voice from across the room, “a time lost witch and a one of a kind android fucking like two horny teens.” Hermione slowed down and composed herself well enough to have a look at the new arrival, though her hips never quite stopped gyrating around the still hard cock buried inside her. The newcomer was a woman of indeterminate age, with ebony skin and long dreadlocks tied in a loose ponytail down her back. Her face was rather plain with a wide mouth, currently stretched in a wicked grin, a broad nose and dark hooded eyes. She was of average height and her build looked to be neither too thin nor too fat, though it was hard to tell as she was covered head to toe in deep purple robes. With her arms crossed as they were ...
    ... even her hands were hidden from view, each tucked up inside the opposite sleeve. “Greetings Guinan, please come in.” Data politely, his hands never straying from Hermione's breasts. “Would you care to join us?” “As tempting as the offer to get a taste of the legendary miss Granger for myself may be, I believe we have more pressing concerns at the moment.” Guinan replied sardonically. “I'm afraid that I'm going to have to disrupt your experiment for awhile commander.” “I assumed that would be the case.” Data replied. If the android had been capable of emotions Hermione would have sworn that his voice held a tinge of regret. “What experiment?” She asked breathlessly as another orgasm began to build between her legs. “The sexual conduct experiment that he has been running on the entire crew for three months now, as well as on you since your arrival.” The dark skinned woman replied. Before Hermione could ask what she was talking about, the woman pulled a strange metallic looking wand from her sleeve and aimed it in their direction. There was not even time to dive for cover, much less grab up her own wand to cast a defensive spell. “Erotimus Shelta” The older witch called out as she flicked her wrist. A shower of pale blue light shot out of the tip of her wand to wash over Hermione. Suddenly, the burning need for sexual satisfaction began to fade, even as one final orgasm shook its way through her suddenly worn and aching body. “Oh my god!” She shouted, suddenly realizing just how ...