1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... his enormous cock. Overall, she felt well fucked and more satisfied than she had in months. Despite the satisfaction, she still had a strange aching for more sex, probably a residual effect of the spells she had used on herself. She was also incredibly hungry and thirsty, two needs that overrode her desires for both sex and a bath. Deciding that laying in bed was not going to help solve any of her problems, Hermione swung her legs over the edge and felt with her toes until she found soft carpeting and a firm surface to stand on. Slowly, wary of both traps and poorly placed furnishings, she rose to her feet. As she did so, lights in the ceiling began to glow and slowly brightened until she could see her surroundings. The room she found herself in was so strange that she had to sit back down for a moment. The chamber was laid out like a studio apartment with the bed she occupied on one side of the room, a living area with a couch and chair in the center and a small dining table on the far side. There was, however, no sign of a kitchen or even a muggle microwave so she assumed that food must be delivered. The walls of the room all looked to be made of metal with no windows anywhere to be seen, though there was a strange recessed area above the bed that looked like it could be opened. There were three odd panels that she assumed must be doors but there were no handles or hinges, leaving her at a loss on how she was going to get out. If she could find her wand she could easily ...
    ... spell her way out but she was not even sure that the magical device had made the journey with her. For all she knew, the thing was bouncing around in her room, inserting itself into every available orifice in some weird search to find the pussy it belonged in. With little else to hold her attention, Hermione decided that she should at least figure out what the knocking sound was. The noise was coming from what appeared to be a futuristic metal dresser of some sort. There were panels along the front where drawers should be but, like the apparent doors, there did not seem to be any handles. However, when she brushed her fingertips across the nearest panel, the drawer opened with a feint whooshing sound. “Interesting spell design.” She mumbled aloud. The drawer she had opened contained a stack of neatly folded red and black shirts. Pulling the top one off of the stack, she unfolded it and examined it more closely. She did not recognize the material it was made out of or the style of the pattern. The top of the shoulder area was black with a slightly raised collar. From the point of the shoulders down, the fabric was bl**d red until it reached the abdomen where it turned black once again with a strange off kilter line. Over all, the strange utilitarian design and the fact that it was one of several shirts in the exact same pattern led her to the conclusion that it was some sort of uniform. “Well, it is better than traipsing around naked I suppose.” She declared before pulling the ...