1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... weird shirt over her head. Once she had the thing on, it became clear that the shirt was made for a man. The shoulders were too wide and the sleeves were so long that she had to roll them up to free her hands. However, even her not so expansive breasts were stretching the front of the shirt rather alarmingly. The fabric was quite thin and her perky nipples jutted out quite proudly. The shirt was just long enough to cover her ass so long as she remained standing. If she were f***ed to sit down or bend over, her lady bits were going to be on full display. The panel slid closed with another gentle touch and Hermione slid her hand across the next drawer, where the knocking was coming from. The moment that the drawer slid open, there was a sudden flash of movement as the object locked inside sprang into the air and made a beeline for her crotch. The young witch had just enough time to realize that the object was her wand, still in its penile form, as she clamped her legs shut just before it could penetrate her yet again. After a few moments of wrestling with the twelve inch long phallus she finally managed to get both hands wrapped around its thick warm base. Keeping a firm grip with one hand, she began to vigorously stroke the vein wrapped shaft up and down its length. “Ejaculus Incarnae” she practically shouted as her hand rubbed up and down the still thrashing wand in a blur of motion. A blast of pure white light burst from the bulbous tip of the wand followed by six more ...
    ... bursts of steadily less intensity. Finally, the magical cock stopped trying to escape her grip and began to shrivel until it collapsed down to its regular wand sized proportions. “That was... something.” She said as she blinked and rubbed her eyes to shake the dazzling effect of the blinding flashes. “Are you alright?” Asked a distinctly male voice. Hermione jumped at the sound and scrambled to cover her naked lower half with one hand while turning and training her wand on the owner of the voice at the same time. “My apologies, I did not mean to startle you.” The man said politely. “I was merely returning to check on your condition.” The man was unarmed, his hands held up and open to show he meant no harm. He was dressed in a shirt that matched the one she had borrowed as well as plain black pants and shoes. His skin was a strange jaundiced color and seemed unnatural somehow. “My name is Data, Lieutenant Commander Data.” The strange looking man continued. “I brought you here to my quarters after the unfortunate incident on the bridge. I felt that it would be safer for you to be here until we can get a few things sorted out.” “Wait, where are we exactly? Aside from your quarters, obviously.” She asked. She lowered her wand slightly but still kept a firm grip on the hilt in case this Lieutenant Commander Data made and sort of aggressive move. “We are currently aboard the United Federation Starship Designate NCC-1701 D, known to her crew as the Enterprise.” He informed her, his voice ...