1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... captain was beyond reason. The overpowering urge he had felt when banging young Wesley's tight little ass was nothing compared to his need to sate himself on the young stranger laying open before him. “Command override.” He heard commander Data shout aloud. “Security measures Data Alpha One.” The throbbing head of his cock was just beginning to part the perfectly formed wet lips of the young woman's pussy when the room began to spin and darken. He tried to thrust his hips forward in desperation but his body refused to respond to his sexually driven urges. “Damn it Data!” He cursed aloud just before he blacked out. His body collapsed on top of his intended victim, his still hard penis pressed firmly against her inner thigh just centimeters from his goal. Hermione awoke slowly from a dream that she was being ravaged gloriously by Ron, Harry, and several of their other classmates at the same time. As her mind shifted from dream to reality her eyes suddenly snapped open and arousal was replaced by fear. She found herself still naked, laying on a rather comfortable surface in a pitch black room. Her last memories were a jumble of lust filled fantasies interspersed with some flashes of rather terrifying reality. She remembered using the spells she found in that damn book on herself and the spectacular results that led to her roommates catching her in the throws of passion. Then there was her attempt to abort the spells with the key word, which she had butchered the pronunciation ...
    ... of. Somehow that slip of the tongue had cast a different spell altogether and sent her spiraling off somewhere. The sensation was similar to the time she convinced Ron to fuck her while they were apparating, only this did not end in a splinching incident. Instead she vaguely recalled finding herself naked in a room full of strangers who all instantly pounced on her with obvious sexual intent. Everything went dark just as an older man with a bald head and a British accent was about to have his way with her. Without any visual cues, Hermione reached out with her other senses to try and figure out where she was. The only thing she had to protect her modesty, not that she had much modesty left at this point, was a thin sheet of some strange slick feeling fabric. The room she was in, she assumed it was was a room of some sort, was set at a comfortable temperature and her lack of clothing did not leave her chilled. The area was almost silent, other than a feint knocking sound somewhere to her left. The sound was not exactly rhythmic but it was persistent. It seemed to be coming from close by and while she did not find it threatening, the thumping did have a sense of urgency to it. She tried to sniff the air for any strange scents but all that she could smell was herself. She reeked of sweat and sex so badly that she suddenly wanted a shower. Her pussy ached slightly from the battering her wand had given it but not nearly as badly as the time she had let Hagrid have a go at her with ...