A sleeping game turns serious for Lydia and Benji
Date: 5/3/2016,
True Story
Author: bartje1542
... another minute with you." "That's bullshit," she snapped. "Men enjoy my company just fine. I have a date tomorrow - later today - if you must know." I didn't know because she never told me her social calendar. "Well Mom, you are gorgeous and relatively wealthy. Keep your mouth shut and you should do well," I grinned. "Shut up," she demanded. I did because I was tired and I really wanted to sleep. The next morning I learned that Todd had really broken off the relationship with Bianca - he had unfriended her on Facebook and listed his status as single - go Todd! Mom gave me hell, but it was worth it. That night Mom really did have a date. She wore her 'little black dress' that highlighted her firm thighs and calves as well as her delicious ass. She really was drop-dead sexy - just not worth the price of admission. I knew she had a tight body because we both worked out all the time and I'd been seeing her for years in tight workout clothes. I suspected her date was the father of a troubled kid who attended her school and she had somehow forced him to go out with her. The only problem was, I think the kid was about to graduate and would no longer be under her thumb. While privately predicting disaster, I noticed something in Mom I had never seen before. Mom was nervous. Mom normally was completely confident and self-assured. All her relationship issues were someone else's fault, but here she was at forty-six and about to be living in this big house all alone. Bianca would be ...
... gone half the summer, be back for only one month and then would be gone for her senior year in college. I was getting the fuck out of dodge ... and I was the last one left. "You looking smoking sexy Mom," I commented as she waited for the guy to come and pick her up. "When Walter (her date/victim for the night) shows up, don't say anything. I want this to go well," she warned me. She put her purse down, emptied most of it then checked her phone to see if he had called and she had somehow missed it. I saw lube and condoms - not one, but five. "Damn Lydia (she hates me using her first name), are you going to put out on the first date?" I teased. "What?" she saw me looking at her purse and hurriedly swept things back in. "What I do sexually is none of your business." "Sure Mom," I laughed at her. "I was only thinking that instead of handing it out to total strangers you might ask me to take care of that for you at home." I was totally joking of course. "You are just like your father - an utter limp dick bastard," she glared. "Well, I understand your frustration," I smiled. "As far as I know, you haven't had sex in the six years Dad's been gone. That has to have been tough." "Six? More like ten," she sighed. The confession shocked me. "Your father failed me as a husband long before he failed this family as a father." "Oh...well, good luck then," I said evasively. "Besides, what would you know about women?" Mom turned on me. "Mom, I'm hardly a virgin," I smirked. "There have been ...