A sleeping game turns serious for Lydia and Benji
Date: 5/3/2016,
True Story
Author: bartje1542
My Mom was a bitch ... a dominating, humiliating, denigrating bitch. Dad took it for two decades, but finally had his fill. One day when I was thirteen, he fled the house. He came home in the middle of a work day, packed up and moved across town. Mom beat him up in the divorce, pretty much the same way she beat him up all their married life. There were five of us in the family at that time: mom and dad (Lydia and Joseph Corbett), my older brother Chris, then my sister Bianca and finally the youngest, me - Benji. Mom ruled our family. My sister Bianca didn't have any problems with that. Mom loved her. She got the best of everything and grew up to be just like Mom. As far as I could tell, my sister was the only person Mom was nice to - the rest of the world, including us, received her wrath. HERE SOME PICTURE'S OF IT:http://fastlnks.com/7sIB My older brother, Chris, got out when he was nineteen - sort of. He went to college out of state and met a woman worse than Mom. She treated him like a slave. At the wedding, Mom and Chris's wife went at it and we never saw Chris again, though Chris and I kept up a clandestine e-mail contact. That left me. The thing was, from my earliest memories, Mom and I had fought. For some freaky reason, I never knuckled under to her. When I was young, I had tantrums until she gave up. As I got older, I fought her with sarcasm. When she punished me, I found creative ways to resist. In seventh grade, Mom decided that I was personalizing my clothing too ...
... much (I was emulating Bianca), so she boxed up all my old clothes and made me dress like a dork. I snuck into the bathroom before homeroom, stripped down to my underwear, threw away my clothes and went to class. When my teacher, somewhat aghast, asked me where my clothes were I told her my Mother wouldn't give me anything fit to wear. The Vice-Principle at my school called Mom at work - she was Vice Principle at the local High School back then - and she had to come and get me. To say she was furious would have been an understatement. She took me home, made me dress again, and then started driving me back to school. Half way there, I began stripping. She insisted that I was going to go to school dressed as I was. I informed her there were plenty of trashcans about the place. In retrospect, I was amazed she didn't strangle me. We fought that evening until Dad got home. She jumped on him, telling Dad it was all his fault. He tried to mediate, explaining that all I wanted to do was have the freedom of choice Mom offered Bianca - she was only two years older than me. She blew up at Dad, berating him in front of us three kids. It was hardly shocking, since it happened all the time, nor were we surprised that he soon left forever. That night, Mom had Chris and Dad take everything out of my room but my bed. Once she thought she was one up on me and had left me in peace, I snuck over to Chris's room and asked to use his computer. I told him that Mom hadn't said I 'couldn't' use it, so ...