1. A sleeping game turns serious for Lydia and Benji

    Date: 5/3/2016, Categories: True Story Author: bartje1542

    ... stepped over her and returned to my chair. As Bianca pushed up onto all fours, Mom came through the doorway. "Benji, what the hell did you do to your sister - again?" she accused me. "I am tired of her thinking she can barge in here every time she feels likes it," I turned to face Mom. "So I bent her over my knee and spanked her," I finished. "Benji," Mom trembled with rage. "Mom, you've already sent me to my room. I'm paying for my internet hook up," I sighed. "What else are you going to do to me?" "You barely finished your freshman year; Summer Break has just started for you, Mister," Mom glowered. "If you want me to pay for your sophomore year, you had better get with the program. Now apologize to your sister." Of all the things Mom had threatened me with, she'd never jeopardized my educational future. She was a freaking educator herself. "Are you serious?" I stared at her. "You had better bet I am," she glared. "On your knees, Sleazebag," Bianca sneered vindictively. "You have fucked with our lives for the last time," Mom drove home the threat. "I apologized, Bianca," I said flatly. "On your knees," Bianca gloated. I took a deep breath, slid off the chair and got down on my knees before her. "I apologize, Bianca," I repeated. "That will do, Mom," Bianca wiped off a residual tear and smiled at my Mother. "I need to borrow your car and go get Todd back." Bianca had destroyed the last car Mom bought her a few weeks ago. She'd never changed the oil and ignored the 'Check ...
    ... Engine' light until the engine seized up. Mom would get her a new one this summer - no doubt. Turning back to me she added, "We aren't done yet." I had to agree to that. I just didn't know how I would get even yet. Bianca took Mom's car and got yanked by the Highway Patrol for doing 110 mph in a 65 mph zone, all of which was a well-deserved end to her weekend plot against Todd. Mom took it out on me. She would have taken my car to help Bianca out - but it was my car; bought and paid for with money from my job my senior year in high school (and with a little help from Dad.) Plus, I threatened to report it stolen if she took it. I ended driving her up to get Bianca, putting up with their combined crap for the drive to her college to drop her and then the long trip back - the woman wouldn't pay for a motel room. It did give me time to think. In the end, hanging around was no longer worth it. I had stuck it out because I wanted a good education. Mom had stopped mothering years ago and I certainly didn't want to be hanging around when Bianca came back from Summer School. When we returned to the house around 2 a.m., I informed Mom of my decision. "In the next month, I'm moving out," I related to her in a tired voice. "You too, you ungrateful little bastard?" she grumbled. "Has it ever occurred to you that you drive people away, Mom?" I met her gaze. "Dad chooses to live in a one room apartment and Chris accepted wearing a leash and collar in his own house as a better life than spending ...