1. The Tease (Part 1)

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Voyeur, Author: Adamgunn, Source: LushStories

    ... place. I face south, her windows go north, and before the sun sets and she turns on the lights, it's hard to see into her place. But she had lamps on in her living room, she was lying on her couch, her left side towards me. Without a stitch on, she had one hand on her breast, the other between her legs. I got the camera, and wasn't surprised when I caught a glimpse of blue, the plastic of a vibrator. She gave me quite a show, and I captured it for our later enjoyment. For fifteen minutes she entertained herself, apparently ignoring me. She orgasmed brightly, but her protecting leg never moved to a position where I caught the burying ground. When she breathed her final sigh she grabbed a towel, put it over her groin, sat up, faced me and mouthed, "don't be late." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tea was in front of us, we were waiting for the soup, seated at a formica table in the back. "What kind of camera do you have?" "A Canon Rebel." "What's that?" "It's a DSLR." Seeing the confusion, I continued, "That means it's a sophisticated camera. I have three lenses. A prime lens, a wide angle zoom and a telephoto . . ." "See, I told you you were a geek." ". . . I can take just about any kind of shot in any kind of light. Did you see how sharp those pictures are? And that's from across the way, through the glass of your patio window. I could never get pictures like that with a point and shoot." "What's that?" "That's one of those little cameras. You've probably got one." "Oh, my Kodak? I ...
    ... love my Kodak." "It's probably fine for snapshots. But my pictures turn out so much better." "You're right," she agreed, "they do." We were interrupted by the waiter, and when he poured the rice into the broth, we were treated to the rich smell and hissing sound. After pouring us a bowl each and leaving the rest on the table, he moved off. "Okay," she said, "time to find out more about you." "Nothing more to find out. I told you everything." "Not even close. Any girlfriends?" "No, I haven't met anyone." "And you're trying real hard, aren't you? Cooped up in your apartment whenever you're not at work. When was the last time you even talked to a girl?" "I had lunch with two of them this week." "And they were both married, weren't they?" She had me, I smiled. "Well, one's just living with a guy." "You've got to have some interest, don't you? I mean, you're not taking those pictures of me just because, are you? You're thinking about getting laid, aren't you?" "Yeah, I'm wondering about that. It's just that, well, I don't know, I keep thinking about her with him, and I get angry, and then . . . well, I guess I'm just not ready yet." "She's still seeing him?" "No, the bastard broke it off with her after he found out I knew. She told me she didn't really like him that much, he was just convenient. That's the word she used, 'convenient.' Like she just wanted sex from somebody else, and he just happened to be there. He told me that she came onto him when he stopped over one day and I ...