1. The Tease (Part 1)

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Voyeur, Author: Adamgunn, Source: LushStories

    ... her at the neighbor's house, wrapped in my supposedly best friend's arms. "Were you?" "No, never, not once." "Sorry about that." The tone was empathetic, yet had a taste of that's-the-way-it-goes-why-are-you-pitying-yourself. Or, perhaps, I was just imposing some of my late night, solitary conversations on her words. "You like it here?" "I do. Great facilities, with the pool and hot tub and all. Seems like nice people." "We are. Wait till the Christmas party. And Fourth of July." We floated for awhile, each keeping to our own side of the submerged bench, but finally she had to break the silence. "So when was the first time you got a look at me?" I hesitated, she gave me a demanding look. "Maybe three weeks ago. You were lying on your bed, uhhhh . . ." "Masturbating?" ". . . yeah, and your light was on, and I was able to watch you from my deck." "Take any pictures that night?" "No, just watched. It didn't even occur to me to take pictures until a couple of times later. You sure you don't mind?" "I told you. The guy before you liked to watch, too, but his wife caught him and told me to keep my drapes drawn. It was a relief when they moved out, I really like to go nude. You're the only condo that can see me, you know." "No, I didn't realize that." "Look at the angles. Unless I stand close to the window or go out on my patio, the lower floors can't see anything, and there's no one else in sight. Oh, I guess the apartment building half a mile away could get a glimpse if they had ...
    ... really high powered telescopes, and you can never underestimate a pervert, can you?" I started yawning. I was finally relaxed enough to go to sleep. "Okay," she admitted, "I can wear you out pretty easy, can't I? But here's the deal. I want copies of all the pictures you take of me. Put them on an SD card, drop them off in the message box outside my door. And sleep tight, I won't bother you for the rest of the night." She waved a kiss to me as I walked away, she may have dropped the top of her suit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Audrey was calling to me from her patio. "Hey, Perve!" "What?" "Nice pictures! Thanks. You doing anything tomorrow night?" A Sunday, the loneliest time for a single guy. "No, nothing." "Cool. Take me to dinner. Seven o'clock? There's a nice Chinese place about a mile from here." That cracked me up, we're in the Bay Area, there are twenty 'nice Chinese places' a mile from anywhere. Later, she was getting dressed to go somewhere, casual, but she put on a slinky pink bra and panties under the jeans and blouse. I shot off forty pictures or so while she dressed, and this time she looked at the camera directly. She was extremely photogenic, her white teeth and delightful smile shone. And her naked breasts as well. But still, she kept the area between her waist and thighs protectively covered. I don't believe she turned her light on when she came home. If she came home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I came out of my bathroom, showered and shaved, and glanced at her ...