1. The Tease (Part 1)

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Voyeur, Author: Adamgunn, Source: LushStories

    ... From my condo, obviously, I had a great view of Audrey's place, her living room directly across from mine, her bedroom also adjacent. Our windows were, perhaps, thirty feet from each other. "How long have you lived here?" "Now that's a long story. You going to let me have a drink of your wine?" I handed her my cup. "We moved in twelve years ago. My ex and I, we'd been married then for eight or nine years, I guess. Jim wasn't a California native, he came from the East Coast, I grew up in the East Bay. Back in the 'Nineties, like everyone else, we both went from job to job with hardware and then Internet companies. He kept getting bumped up until he was a director someplace, I made it up to marketing manager. We were good to each other, for my thirtieth birthday he gave me a boob job." Another shake of the orbs. "Then the bust hit, and I was out on my ass. He kept his job, but that started the slide. I couldn't find any kind of a position that paid anything, and he told me he was tired of supporting me. So I wound up getting a part-time position at Borders. They found out I was literate, and that's about all the qualifications they needed. So there I was with all that time on my hands, and he's flying around the country doing deals, and, well . . . He didn't really mind when he found out, and he was getting his own on the side I found out later, but we started going downhill. We kept it together, more or less, for four years, and then he decided he was going to take a job back ...
    ... East, and I just didn't want to go. We were never angry with each other, just bored, and our divorce was easy. He let me keep the condo, all I have to do is pay him his share as rent, and in another six or seven years I'll have it paid off. They've bumped me up and up at Borders, and now I've got a job on the regional staff, I don't have to work weekends or nights, not too bad for a country girl." During the story she finished off the wine, but otherwise hardly took a breath. She waved the glass at me, "Got any more?" "Sorry, I only brought the glass down." "No problem. I've got a bottle of white in my refrigerator, I'll get it. Don't leave, okay?" and I watched her cute butt stroll off. I waited for at least ten minutes, and started to figure that she was teasing me, waiting in her living room for me to give up, but then I saw her returning in the murkiness. "Sorry I was so long, but I had to go really bad. I always do after a real good screw like Don gave me tonight. Give me your glass. Okay, so I told you my story, you tell me yours." She relaxed in the tub, big enough for thirty people and often holding that many, and waited. "Not all that much to tell. I'm a software engineer . . ." "I knew you were a geek!" ". . . work for Avilant, grew up in New York State, came out here and graduated from Berkeley. Got married, the divorce was final last week. No kids, thankfully." "Was she screwing around?" "Yes." My mind flashed to that strange night six months before when I found ...