1. The Tease (Part 1)

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Voyeur, Author: Adamgunn, Source: LushStories

    ... wasn't around. So she was looking for it." "Did she have anybody else, other guys?" "She says no, but I think she's lying to me. I overheard her once on the phone, it sounded like she was making a date. A couple times she came home really late, so what was she doing?" "Maybe she was just out with a girlfriend." "Maybe," I agreed, but not with any sense of credibility. "Any chance the two of you will get back together?" "No. None at all. We went to a marriage counselor, did all that stuff. Took a romantic trip up to wine country. It didn't work. We were getting on each other's nerves, and finally we both just said the hell with it. About three weeks ago I stopped in to get some stuff I still had at her place, and there was a guy there. So, it's over, and good riddance." I raised my tea cup in salute to the lost woman. We went mum for a few minutes, then she said, "Okay, women didn't do it, let's talk geek. So how'd you get into this photography thing?" "I was a boy scout . . ." "I'll bet you were an eagle guy." "No, never got that high, only made it up to star. I still regret I didn't hang on. Anyway, they had a merit badge in photography, and one of the troop leaders was into it, and got me hooked. My folks bought me an Olympus OM-2, and I saved up for additional lenses. I was the photographer for my year book in high school, took a couple of courses in college. I knew I wasn't ever going to be a professional, but I truly enjoy the craft. I started out in landscapes, then ...
    ... I got into portraits." "And dirty pictures!" "And dirty pictures." "Did you ever take pictures of your wife?" "Yeah, that was a thing of ours." "You should post them on the internet." I thought about that for a few seconds. "I don't know. That would be mean, wouldn't it?" "She's done some mean things to you." "Maybe. It still doesn't seem right." "Well, what about me?" Audrey suggested. "Would you put up pictures of me on the internet? Show everybody what you can do?" "Would you like me to?" "I wouldn't mind. It'd be kind of sexy, thinking about all those perverts out there, creaming themselves while looking at me." "You're serious, aren't you?" "I don't joke," Audrey declared. When we got home, we both went to our separate apartments, and Audrey waved to me from hers, then shut the curtains - no show that night. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We both laid low for a couple of nights, then one night I heard something hit my window. It turned out to be frozen peas that Audrey was throwing at me. I went out onto the patio. "Hi there!" "Hi there, yourself. Come over here, I've got something to show you." "What?" "If I told you, you'd know, wouldn't you? Get your ass over here." I went down the steps, across the walk, and up the steps. Her door was open, "Come on in," she hollered. She was wearing slacks and a t-shirt that read, 'Carpe Dame (seize the woman)'. She poured me a glass of wine, then motioned me to her laptop on the coffee table in front of the couch. I could see my place ...