1. Camping

    Date: 4/21/2016, Categories: Fetish, Taboo Author: messin, Source: xHamster

    ... those skirts, see the panties sliding up her ass... short shorts...skimpy tops...she'd sit in ways that meant that I couldn't help but catch a glimpse...shit, is that a glimpse of sweet teen pussy? She's not wearing panties...? I must be imagining things... no that's pussy, definitely. Don't worry about Dad, come on, that's just the style with girls these days, they just dress more provocatively... yeah, don't worry about it. Generation Z, and all that. Your generation had hot pants. k**s today don't wear panties. Big deal. Get a grip! I wiped the sweat of my brow. What's the matter with you Steve...? I tried not to fixate on her ass as we walked up the trail. We'd be all alone on this camping trip. He could practically smell her teen pussy from her. His cock was already stiffening in his shorts. Fuck Dad. Get a grip. &#034I love the smell of my vagina, I know you do too!&#034 Julie shouted from up the trail. I woke from my reverie. &#034Wait, what did you say?&#034 I shouted? I love Virginia, don't you?&#034 Julia laughed. &#034What did you think I said?&#034 She laughed again, turning and staring at me in the eyes. &#034Ah, sorry, I must have been day-dreaming, I was totally out of it.&#034 &#034Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm&#034 she said, and pulled her short shorts up high, revealing more of her ass. &#034I think we should share the same sl**ping bag tonight, I think it's going to be too cold otherwise Daddy! We'll need to keep each other warm!&#034.... ...............PART III: ...
    ... JULIE I turn and begin walking down the trail without waiting for a response. Grinning at the your surprised reaction to my suggestion that we share the same sl**ping bag, I make sure to wriggle my bottom a bit more, just for you. You catch up with me and we continue walking down the trail single file with me in front. The combination of my sexy teen ass and the suggestion of what could happen during this week long dad and daughter vacation causes your cock to throb and twitch in your shorts. We stop after a bit to take a water break. After opening the cap of my Nalgene bottle, I lift it to my lips and drink. A thin trickle of water leaks down my chin and onto my thin cotton shirt. The cool water falls onto my left breast, making the yellow material nearly transparent and causing my nipples to grow even more erect. You can't help but stare, so I make sure to linger so as to give you a good look. I also notice the thick lump in the front of your pants and a naughty smile crosses my face as I think back to that day in my room when I found you hiding behind the laundry hamper. As we continue hiking, we talk about school and you ask if I have a boyfriend. &#034No, all the boys in my class are immature and stupid,&#034 I respond with a laugh. &#034Always talking about video games and stuff like that. I mean, who cares about video games?&#034 …………PART IV: DADDY 'But your twin b*****r Luke wouldn't want to hear that Julie, he's turning into a fine young man. He has many interests, ...