1. Camping

    Date: 4/21/2016, Categories: Fetish, Taboo Author: messin, Source: xHamster

    ... and I could see the pussy cum...the little slut...my cock thickened immediately and began to stiffen and grown erect...I began to slowly stroke my hardening cock with another pair of her smelly dirty panties...winding them around my big thick cock... oh my god ....they smelled so SO so VERY good....and felt so smooth and good on my cock...I could feel the wave of an orgasm building...... &#034Daddy...?&#034 I looked around, one hand holding shoving her panties right up my nose as I inhaled, the other hand gripping my rock hard cock by the base, the head glowing reddish purple. Her eyes locked onto my big Daddy cock! I jerked the panties down and held them to cover my stiff penis and started blushing, &#034Oh God, oh shit..I .. I thought... &#034 &#034Oh my God...Daddy it's... Daddy...did you think you were home alone...?&#034 She giggled. &#034Oh right, I ... I was.. I was just getting the laundry. Excuse me.&#034 I was blushing, covering up. I was mortified. I grabbed the laundry hamper and tried to stagger out of the room. She made no effort not to stop staring at my naked body. Well, I was hoping that was the end of an awkward moment, and I would just both pretend that nothing had happened. But then things began getting a little weird, as I say. When my wife was around she would often dress or do something provocative when my wife wasn't looking, like putting her bare foot between my legs at the dinner table. Or that time when my wife was in the kitchen she'd walk in front ...
    ... of the tv and bend over in her mini skirt. And then I would begin finding a pair of her heavenly scented pair of her worn panties left as &#034gifts&#034 for me... like, on the bed when I stepped out of the shower (smelled damn good, like g**** soda), or a pussy cum stained pair would fall out my brief case when I got to work (i think my secretary noticed, but I jacked off with them under my desk later on that day), or the time I opened the glove compartment in my BMW and her dirty panties tumbled out into my hands...which I confess I surreptitiously sniffed all the way home, with a massive erection. (And my wife wondered why I was suddenly so horny!) On another occasion, we were in the pool with my wife and Julie would get me to 'hug her' from behind, as if she were a little 6 year old, grinding her bikini clad booty into me, pushing her ass right into my erection...I almost climaxed right there in the pool, in front of my wife and friends, with a big froze smile on my face as if to say 'Hey folks what a nice day', and there was nothing I could do to stop her! At the right moment, she just turned slowly, gazed into my eyes, and said &#034I love you Daddy,,, I mean, I *really* love you, Daddy!&#034 and as she said it I noticed the nipples in her bikini top were popping out ....as thick as thumbs. We were getting in deep.... Maybe it was my imagination, but it seemed to me that she began to dress a bit provocatively too. Short skirts. Skimpy stuff. I could kind of see through ...