1. Camping

    Date: 4/21/2016, Categories: Fetish, Taboo Author: messin, Source: xHamster

    ... he's witty, athletic, well read, he has an increasingly discerning palette when it comes to wine, and frankly I found him to be very good company at the chamber music concert last week at the museum. I think many young ladies would enjoy his company over dinner.&#034 &#034Daddy, I love Luke, but he doesn't count, you *know* that, he's my b*****r!&#034 &#034I know Julie, but someone like Luke, anyway you two have seemed to be very close at times, you've spent a lot of time together. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you love him because I've got a surprise for you: He's agreed to meet up with us further down the trail, just for one night. We're going to meet at that secluded swimming spot I told you about, we can camp there, we'll have the whole place to ourselves.&#034 Little butterflies fluttered inside Julie. The two men in her life she loved most. All to herself. For a night. Her nipples hardened slightly and she felt a little tingling moistness 'down there'. &#034But what kind of boys do you like anyway if you don't like the boys in your class?&#034 &#034Daddy, I told you, I don't like boys. They're immature, stupid and they all wear baseball caps at my school. They don't know about girls.&#034 She stopped walking. &#034I like men. Real men.&#034 She paused. &#034Like you.&#034 Her voice trailed off. &#034Now Julie, I'm not so sure...&#034 She turned around and gazed at him in the eyes with a steady stare. &#034What kind of girls do you like Daddy...? Girls like me...?&#034 She ...
    ... slowly started pulling up her thin cotton shirt to reveal her puffy little breasts all while holding him with a steady gaze. &#034Jule, no!&#034 Embarrassed, he grabbed her wrists and pulled her close. &#034No, what Daddy? No, you don't love me? Because I've seen you holding your huge hard thick Daddy cock while you were smelling my cute little pink panties.&#034 &#034Julie, stop, please! Someone could see. I've been meaning to talk to you about all of this. It was a mistake. We've got to stop all of this, it.. it.. isn't really appropriate.&#034 Julie kept her shirt up, and as he pulled her closer she felt his hot thick manhood swelling as she pressed up against his warm firm body. &#034What isn't appropriate Daddy? That you love me?&#034 She slid one hand down the front of his terry cloth shorts and gave a little squeeze. &#034Julie...!&#034 He let out an inadvertent gasp of surprise. &#034I know you love me, Daddy. I can tell.&#034 His cock hardened, he could feel his balls swelling. She began to slide slowly down his body, her little breasts and nipples caressing him all the way down until she was on her knees in front of him, and as she did so she reached up pulled his shorts down, just a bit, all while staring up at him with her pleading eyes. &#034Wait Julie, no...please!&#034 he whispered. &#034I just want to love you the way I've seen the way Mommy loves you at night. I want you to teach me how, Daddy.&#034 she said as she slowly reached in and tugged his thick hot ...