1. Chula Vista Dreaming (part eight)

    Date: 4/17/2016, Categories: Taboo Author: Green_Man, Source: LushStories

    ... folks told you themselves. She's been gone a week now, I think. Oh. Are you missing some of that pregnant pussy?" She giggled. I may have blushed. I did feel a little hot. I picked her up off the bed and held her against me. With her legs dangling I gave her some smacks on the ass with my right hand. She was giggling and beating on my arms. I gave her a kiss, real quick, and then sat her back down on the bed. "You're a bully, little brother. But, you know, I kind of liked that." She smiled up at me. "You say that but I'm still waiting for you to seduce me." I laughed. "Maybe next week. We'll see. I gotta go. Naomi's waiting downstairs. Later little brother." As she walked out of the door I wondered if there actually would be a next week with her. I could hope.