1. Chula Vista Dreaming (part eight)

    Date: 4/17/2016, Categories: Taboo Author: Green_Man, Source: LushStories

    ... stepmom. I tickled her brown flower, and gently inserted my finger. I could feel her breathing more heavily around my cock. I fingered her pucker a little and she moaned some more, moving faster on my prick. Her pussy juices flowed. I stuck two fingers in her pussy again, finding a good spot. Her honey squirted out onto my face. Fuck. My cock was ready. I thrust it up into her mouth and she knew what to expect. I started shooting streams of my cream up into her mouth and throat. She was choking as she tried to take it all. She did well, swallowing lots of it. Some leaked out and dripped down my hard cock into my pubes. She was still jacking my cock as I rubbed her pussy juices off of my face and licked my hand. I groaned as she sucked harder, getting all that she could out of my stiff dick. I was relaxing with my arms under my head. Sweet stepmom Cindy was still licking my cock. She liked the taste of my sperm. She always said it tasted of youthful optimism. Silly, but it was nice to feel her continue loving me that way. At last she crawled up and let me put my arm around her, as she nestled her head on my chest. I loved the smell of sex in the air. After awhile I remembered about Sheila. Cindy was going to tell me something. "Where did you say Sheila was?" "I didn't say. Listen, this is hard for us. But we have to just get it over with. My girl's in a bad marriage. Jason's lost all of their money and he won't stop gambling. He never will, I don't think. Sheila has to get ...
    ... out. She needs that baby to come into a better world. One without Jason there." "So what do you mean. Where is she?" "Peter, she left last week for Reno. She'll be there for six weeks, and then she can get a divorce." "A divorce? I don't know anyone who has that. I mean, is it hard? I really don't know anything about it." "It's not hard. Not in Nevada. You live there six weeks, become a resident, and then you get the divorce in court. It just takes a little money. Your dad was happy to help out. He's looking forward to his new grandchild. I don't know if he ever liked Jason. But, no matter. It'll be done before the baby comes. We'll get by alright." "Sheila's all alone up there. Is she okay? What's she doing all day?" "When she calls she tells me about all the other Reno ladies getting their time in. It's kind of a holiday, if you can afford it. She's not staying at an expensive place. We can just handle it. It'll be fine. She'll be fine. I miss her. She's still my baby girl." I kissed her. She had started to cry quietly. I held her tightly and rubbed her bare back. I wasn't thinking about sex now. I loved Cindy and I loved Sheila. We got up and had a shower together, washing each other's bodies. I did get hard again but we didn't do anything. After drying off we dressed and went into the kitchen. Cindy had made some sandwiches and we ate those as we sat at the table. We were chatting about Sheila, and school, and then she told me that Dad was camping out up at Lake Otay. He ...