1. Our Game, Our Love 7

    Date: 4/14/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Romance School Spanking, Teen Male/Teen Female Author: JL5353

    ... personal porno, Gregory.” Everyone pulled out of the lot and went to Heinens. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What the fuck is this?” Caleb said. “Honestly……. I have no idea.” Kaylen responded. They were looking down at a glass jar full of mashed olives, carrots and a few different things. “Ew, put it down.” Kaylen placed the jar back on the shelf and the 9 continued walking. They got to the aisle where they kept the honey. The honey was on the top shelf, out of reach to the girls. Aly looked at the guys. “We’ll need like, 9 jars. Grab them.” Aly commanded. Devon, Caleb, Greg, Nick and Steve walked over and grabbed 8 jars. “Oh, our little minions.” Kaylen laughed. “Okay. Uh….. Well we obviously need snacks for tonight. JUNK FOOD AISLE!” Nicole said. The girls led the way to the aisle where there were chips, gatorade, cookies and every junk food imaginable. After about 5 minutes, the girls came back with a cart full of snacks. “Before you guys say something, don’t judge us. We actually eat food, believe it or not.” Aly said. “Yeah, but you guys have enough food for like, DAYS.” Devon chuckled. “Uh-uh. With us, this is a night’s worth of food. We are hungry people.” Kaylen said. “Obviously.” Caleb said under his breath. “It’s not like we can hear you or anything…..” Izzy said with a smile. They walked to the checkout line and talked. “You see those girls right there?” Kaylen whispered. ...
    ... “Yeah, why?” Devon whispered back. “Mm, they were looking at us. It’s actually really creepy.” Kaylen giggled. “Then give them something to stare at.” Devon leaned over and gave Kaylen a soft kiss, making her moan a bit. “Hah, shh. You’re gonna get loud.” Devon whispered. “Well quit kissing me like that.” They walked to the next line, and checked out. “One bag dedicated to honey, three to junk.” Greg laughed. “That’s my type of bag! Lemme carry one.” Aly giggled. The nine friends walked to Kaylen’s car and put the groceries in the trunk. “Okay, when should we come over?” Greg asked. “Uh…. Well it’s 8pm right now, so like 9:30.” Izzy replied. “Okay. To make this easy, I can pick all the guys up and drive to Izzy’s.” Caleb said. “Alright. Devon & Kaylen, say your goodbyes.” Nicole giggled. Kaylen gave him a quick peck. “What’d you expect? We’re not gonna make out in front of you.” Devon said. The guys walked to their cars and the girls went toward Izzy’s. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The doorbell rang, making the girls jump. “Oh. It’s the idiots. Grab hoodies, it’s chilly out.” Izzy said. Kaylen, Nicole, Izzy and Aly came up from the basement. “Grab the door Alyse!” Kaylen shouted. Aly opened the door to Caleb, Nick, Greg, Devon and Steve talking. “Come in, dipshits!” Aly said. The guys stepped into the house and walked to the kitchen. Kaylen was sitting on the counter and Izzy was ...