1. Our Game, Our Love 7

    Date: 4/14/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Romance School Spanking, Teen Male/Teen Female Author: JL5353

    ... Greg, Kaylen and Steve laughed about it, while everyone looked at them. “Oh ya, you guys weren’t in our class. Oops. Well it was just SUPER gay. Daniel would be giggling and Tyler would touching his crotch, like a little perv. I was like the only person to ever notice it! One day I said something to them, because they were like, holding hands.” Kaylen laughed. “Nicole, remember when he pushed you off that railing in 6th grade?” Aly laughed. “That was not funny!” Nicole laughed. Izzy, Nicole, Kaylen and Aly were giggling like they did in 6th grade. “So Tyler walks up to us and Nicole is sitting on this rail. Tyler pushes her and she goes tumbling down like, 10 stairs. At the time we were like ‘Tyler, what the fuck?’ I even punched him. But we were laughing about that for like, a week, cause it was so funny.” Aly giggled. “OH MY GOD! Do you guys remember last year at that away game when someone’s dog got loose on the field and jumped me? And it chased Devon for like, 20 yards?” Caleb laughed. “Haha! I remember that! It was like, a Great Dane and he chased me down the field and of course my parents got pissed. My dad tried to sue the guy, but I said no.” Devon laughed. “What? Why did you say no?! I would’ve sued the fuck outta that guy.” Izzy said. “I don’t know. The dog was cute, for one, and I just…… Didn’t want to. If that makes sense.” Devon replied. “Awh, look at Devon. The nice one. ‘The dog was cute, so I told my dad not to sue him.’” Steve laughed. Kaylen tapped ...
    ... Devon’s head. “That’s him!” Everyone laughed and continued talking until the clouds got dark and there was a clap of thunder. “Oh shit. Rainbows and Happiness just got stomped on by Joey.” Caleb said. Everyone grabbed their bags and stuff. “Okay. Izzy, before we go to your house, I’m gonna stop at the store and buy a few things of honey for tonight.” Kaylen said. “Can we come? I want to see this happen.” Greg laughed. “Sure. Only if you buy the honey.” Kaylen said. “You bi-” “Big can of awesomeness. I know.” Kaylen giggled. Everyone started walking to their cars, and Devon walked Kaylen to hers. “Mmm, I’m sorry.” Kaylen softly said. “For what, babe?” “Not being able to come to your house tonight.” Devon chuckled. “It’s fine. Me and the guys are doing something later tonight for Steve, anyway. You girls can have fun and paint each other’s nails.” “Kiss me, you big goof.” Kaylen chuckled. Devon wrapped his arms around Kaylen’s waist and softly kissed her lips. Kaylen lightly bit his lower lip, causing him to laugh. They were leaning up against her car, playing with each other’s tongues, her moaning slightly. “Ahem.” Kaylen and Devon broke the kiss, turning to see the girls watching them. “They’re coming to the store with us. Wait, ya nasties.” Izzy said. “Sorry guys.” Kaylen chuckled. He let her go and went to his own car, where Greg patted his back. “Damn. That was a pretty intense make out. If that’s what you're kissing her like, imagine the sex!” Greg said. “I will not be your ...