Our Game, Our Love 7
Date: 4/14/2016,
Consensual Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: JL5353
... grabbing the jars of honey. “OMG! Welcome to the kitchen! Where you can eat food and grab jars of honey to poor on Joey’s doorstep. Would you like some refreshments?” Nicole said in her valley girl voice. “Jess! Do you want this chip?” Kaylen shouted. Seconds later, there was six pairs of paws hitting the wooden floor, coming to the kitchen. Jess, Malone, and Hayes ran into the kitchen, sniffing around for dropped food. “Hah, got you.” Kaylen laughed. “Alright! I got it!” Nicole shouted. She ran into the kitchen with a red bucket. “Izzy, it was under Bella’s cage.” Nicole said. “I told you!” Aly laughed. “Yeah, Yeah. We can take the back path, since the streets are too long.” Izzy said. “Here. Caleb has carry-the-bucket duty. Hah, loser.” Kaylen said as she handed the bucket to Caleb. Izzy opened the back door and everyone walked into the backyard. “Where is this ‘path’ you’re talking about?” Greg asked. “Down here. Where the stream starts.” Kaylen said. “What are you guys, The fucking Crocodile Hunter?” Steve laughed. “Sure. We used to play down here all the time. So yes, we are The fucking Crocodile Hunter.” Izzy laughed. “How do you know Joey’s home right now?” Devon asked. “Because. We texted her and she said she’s home. It’s not like we haven’t done some shit like this before.” Aly responded. “And…. Where would JOEY EARLEY be right now? With her friends? Funny.” Kaylen added. Kaylen walked up to a tree and pulled four leaves off. “Okay. I pulled off four. Or was this ...
... tree five?” “No. Next one’s five.” Aly said. The guys led the way down the path, taking directions from Izzy. “Oh, Kaylen! Remember the poop?” Aly laughed. “Ewww! Shut up! Yeah I remember, hahaha.” Kaylen giggled. “If you guys are lost, we were down here one day and Kaylen pushed Aly. Aly fell into some deer shit and smelt like a turd nugget the rest of the weekend.” Nicole filled in. The guys laughed and turned to a gate. “This one?” Caleb asked. “Wait. One… Two…. Five…. Yep. This is the one.” Aly said. Caleb opened the gate and they walked up a steep sidewalk. The girls turned toward a red tree and stopped. “We’re here, bitches.” Kaylen announced. It was a nicely sized brick house, with a white shingle roof, and lots of trees in the front yard. “Okay. Everyone crack a jar open and pour it in the bucket.” Nick said. Everyone grabbed a jar and twisted it open. The bucket was ⅔ full when Nicole finished pouring her jar in. “Devon, since you look less suspicious, you can watch the driveway. Nick, go to that last tree down there. Greg, pick any tree. Caleb, uh… stay by Devon. Kaylen, since you can hop fences quickest, go by the back fence. Nicole, go behind that first tree. Aly and Steve, since it’s your birthday’s, you get to do the honey-ifying. I’m by the tree up here. Aly, give Kaylen a thumbs up when you’re finished.You guys can jump behind that bush by the steps. Go.” Izzy directed. Everyone went to their spots as Steve and Aly honeyed the front steps. When they finished, Aly ...