1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... bit of an emergency. I wouldn't be this close to Halifax if I hadn't joined the Navy but here I am and a cousin, my Mom's brother's kid, up and gets herself killed in a stupid drug trafficking mix-up. All the same my mom wants me to attend for her side of the family. You know what I mean? Its family so I got to go!" "How'd you know about this?" "I called my mom this afternoon to let her know I got here alright. I guess we can make phone calls, can't we?" "Oh sure. I was just curious. Let me think about it." His lady friend states, "I want to go with him. We are very close." "You just met him on the train, didn't you?" "Well yeah, like you and Jackie. You're close, aren't you?" She glances at Jackie. Jackie looks across at Mike, "Yes we are... aren't we, Mike?" Mike mumbles, "Not that close." Jackie starts to pout and Mike explodes, "Damn! Leave it with me and I'll see what can be done by Sunday. And I'll check on you taking someone with you. Hell, I'll see if we can all go with you. How's that?" Mike gets up and goes to the bathroom. He cools down and sneaks back out to see Jackie and Mary Anne by themselves at the table. He goes to them and asks their forgiveness. "I let the situation get out of hand. I think I have a headache." Jackie speaks up, "It's not easy making decisions for others, Mike. You do a pretty good job. I think." Mary Anne chimes in, "She put you in a pretty tight corner there, didn't she? I could see she was putting pressure on you." Jackie watches her ...
    ... and wishes she had said that but she shakes her head agreeing with her and adds, but we are close. Mike notices and feels his headache getting worse. "Let's go back to the barracks," he suggests. They leave the mess hall and head for Coho block. Mike has an apprehensive feeling when he sees a crowd by their barrack. They seem to be waiting for someone and he has an awful feeling it is him. "I wonder what's going on at our place?" asks Mary Anne. "I bet I know what it is," replies Jackie. "You notice its all couples, eh?" Mary Anne nods thoughtfully. "I suspect its our sleeping arrangements." Mary Anne looks totally confused. Mike just marches resolutely through between them and into the block. They all follow him in and gather around his door. Jackie skirts around them to Mike's door and Mary Anne doesn't know what to do so she follows. They crowd into his room. Mike just glares at Jackie. "Now see what you have done!" One in the group calls, "Can we talk to you, Mike?" He goes to the door. "What can I do for you?" He sees the two from the mess hall and two other couples. They mill around uneasily. One of the others he does not know pipes up, "We want to know what you're going to do if we all sleep together." "You all want to sleep together?" "You know what I mean." They don't even smile. "Are you going to call the MPs?" "Look people, it doesn't matter to me. As long as no one harasses the ladies upstairs I could care less. But I am sure you can expect repercussions come Monday ...