1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... morning if you do as you wish. Its up to you. Would you rather I turn a blind eye?" They mumble and murmur amongst themselves. "That's all we wanted to know is you won't be calling any MPs." They quietly disperse and he returns to his room. Jackie eyes him up and down, "Does that mean I'm getting the boot tonight?" Mary Anne gushes, "You handled that like a regular pro. I can't believe they just gave you your rank yesterday. I don't think I could do that." "Look, what I do is up to me but I can't tell others to not do what I would in their place. The service has asked me to keep the peace and that's what is important to me, not who sleeps with who." Jackie looks to Mary Anne with a look that says, 'That's my guy' and Mary Anne looks back at her with a look that says 'Isn't he terrific?' They study each other closely. Mary Anne says, "I guess I better go and unpack some of my stuff. Care to join me, Jackie?" "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. See you later, Mike" Mary Anne and Mike both say together, "Later." Mike goes for a walk through the barrack to check up on things. He sees one of the couples laying on a bed up one wing but says nothing. He returns to his room and looks up the Duty Officer's location on his map. He goes for a visit to the Duty Officer's office near the main gate. No one is there but the guard on the gate says he will be back shortly. They chat for a while and the Duty Officer comes to join them. "Sir, I came over to discuss a problem that has come ...
    ... up." "Come on in my office, lad. Let's see how I can help you." "This is my problem." he settles in a chair opposite the Duty Officer's desk. "We have a young man who arrives safely here in this base and so duly calls his mama to let her know he has arrived. Not me, one of the others in our barrack. Anyway, His mama tells him his cousin, her brother's girl, has had an unfortunate accident and is killed." "Very bad news." "Very bad indeed. The cousin lived here in Halifax and our boy's family is far off where he comes from. His mother asks him to attend the funeral this Sunday to represent his side of the family. So there we are. Can he go, do you suppose?" "I'm sure the service will grant him twenty four hours to attend. Its called compassionate leave. The service wants its members to be one big happy family. Does that help you?" "Yea sir, that helps me a lot. Thank you very much, sir." Mike goes back to the barracks in pretty good spirits. Things seem to be improving so he seeks out the young man whose cousin has died. "I have good news." The young man in question untangled himself from his girl friend. "I think you will be able to attend the funeral on Sunday. I spoke with the Duty Officer and he assures me the service grants compassionate leave for such unfortunate circumstances. Just tell them at the gate it is for compassionate reasons." "Wow, that was fast. Thanks very much, Able Seaman." "It was my pleasure to help you with your problem. The service wants you to know we ...