1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... regard you as family." "What about my girl friend?" "Since they are so compassionate I am sure they would want you to include her. I suggest you try taking her with you. It can only be for twenty four hours but its Sunday so there's no work anyway." Mike walks back through the barracks with his head held high. He feels he can handle anything now. He walks into his room and finds it empty. He's disappointed. No loving for the conquering hero? Where are my accolades? Ole but the crowd has gone home. He parks at his desk and studies the sky out his small window. The sun is setting and its been a busy day. He looks at his bed but all he sees is Jackie. He mumbles, "Dang, where is she tonight?" He reasons with himself. "After all it was I who said we were not that close... but did I mean it? And it was I who said the service would bring down wrath on us for sleeping together... but I must admit Jackie's interpretation does appeal to me. And where the hell is she when I need her?" That one he can't answer so he goes to stretch out on his bed. He dozes off and is awakened to darkness and someone knocking on his door. "Hold on!" he calls. He gets up and opens the door puzzling 'who closed the door'. There are three young men and a woman there with luggage. "Come in." "Est-ce coho caserne?" "Oh no, does anyone speak English?" The female of the group raises her hand and says, "Moi. We just want to know if this is Coho barracks. The gate told us to come over here." "Okay, this is the ...
    ... place. You joined the Navy and you are starting on course Monday, right?" She's shaking her head up and down furiously. Come in and check in with me. Please have id ready. Presently, "Jean Guy, Pierre, Bernard and Marie, that's it. I have you all marked as present. You can go and seek beds now. Men on this floor and ladies upstairs." "My friends don't speak any English or at least very little. I interpret for them. How will they manage down here?" "There are a couple of French members registered here downstairs. I'm not sure which rooms but some are bilingual so they should be okay." Marie tells them and they nod. "Nous serons d'accord, mon ami." says one of the males. "He says they will be okay, Mike. Thanks for your help." Mike hustles them on their ways and soon is startled by two whirlwinds flying into his room. "Oh Mike, we got more people." "She came into our room without so much as a knock." "She saw us on the bed and just stood there." "Not nice at all." "No manners." "No manners." He laughs, "Aha! Not too discrete, are you! Ha ha ha ha." "Oh Mike, if you were there it would have been complete." Jackie laughs and squeezes him giving him a kiss on the cheek. "We heard you got Mel the day off for that funeral. It's all over the barracks already. You've turned into a hero, you know." Mary Anne squeezes up the other side of him, "We've decided to share you, Norwegian style. That way we can all have more fun. Aren't you glad I'm Scandinavian?" Jackie asks, "Did you know that ...