1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... haul it all upstairs for just the next two days. Let's go see if we can find a storage room here on this floor." Across the hall under the front stairs Mike finds what he is seeking, a storage room. It has some wooden staging and boxes in it. "That was faster then I expected. Here we are." "Do you think it will be safe?" "I wouldn't leave any jewelry in it but I think clothes will be alright." She sorted out two bags and set them on the stairs then digs into another to put out a few items. She looks over what she has and nods. Mike helps her load everything onto the cart then tows it into the storage room. He sighs, "Now that's a lot better so you take any bunk you find upstairs. That's all female fiefdom." He grins broadly. "And I will carry one of those to the top of the stairs for you. How's that?" He climbs the stairs behind her. "Thank you Mike, you've been a big help. We'll have to get together again soon." "Maybe sooner than you think. Supper is any time you are hungry and I will be heading over to the mess hall myself before long. "Okay, I'll be right back down." He goes back down to his room and relaxes waiting for Jackie. Its not long before Mary Anne comes dashing in and flops down beside him on the bed. "Are you waiting just for me?" "You found a room that fast? Where did you find?" "2B near the top of the stairs. It doesn't appear occupied. Is that alright?" Mike shrugs, "You've got your pick. As long as you are happy with it, why not?" She pulls at him to get ...
    ... him up, "Oh you, lets go then." And of course, Jackie comes in the door. "Ahem. What's up." She looks first at Mary Anne then at Mike. "Are you ready for lunch? By the way, Jackie this is Mary Anne. Mary Anne, meet Jacqueline. Let's go, I'm starving." He starts for the mess hall and lets the other two trail along behind him gabbing to each other no end. They catch up with another couple going the same way. "Jackie, what does Mike think of your position." "He likes me prone." she winks and laughs at Mike's expression. "I mean his opinions on sleeping together." "So do I." She sticks her tongue out at them and they all break up laughing except Mary Anne and Mike. Mike just disregards her and struts on towards supper. Mary Anne catches up to him and asks, "What does she mean? What are they talking about? Is she your girl friend?" Mike says offhand, "We are friends from the train trip here and we disagree over something. That's all." They enter the hall and the lineup for supper. They find a table where they can all sit together and Mike makes it clear he does not want to discuss Standing Orders. The other guy in the group says, "That's great with me. I wanted to ask you about getting a leave to go into Halifax Sunday." Mike shakes his head, "No leaves this weekend, mate. You heard the Master Seaman as well as the rest of us. No one from the group leaves the base till Monday. We're all in the same boat, so to speak. It's the Navy, right?" He gives him the thumbs up gesture. "It's a ...