1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... If you hold the door I can pull the cart inside." "Oh thank you." The scantily clad amazon in shorts, blouse and tennis shoes moves out of sight with the door leaving Mike to pull the luggage inside. She reaches an arm to rescue her purse from the top of the load as it moves through the doorway then peers around the doorjamb at Mike with a big smile. "Hi, I'm Mary Anne. I hope the gate sent me to the right place. This is Coho Barracks?" "If you're a new recruit to the Navy then it is the right place. I'm Able Seaman Mike Claymore and I will help you get settled in... at least for the weekend. On Monday they will put us into properly assigned barracks." "You mean I am going to have to move all this stuff again Monday?" "Yep and I'm afraid I have more bad news. Women's quarters are up that set of stairs on the second floor." "You mean I can't just take a room on this floor?" "I'm afraid not. Well let's get you checked in. Please follow me. And please bring your id." They step into Mike's room. He looks down his list and says, "Mary Anne Foster, right?" She beams at him, "Yes, and here's my drivers license." "You're very photogenic. Your license photo really does you justice. So many people complain about how bad their license photos are. Yours is really complimentary." "Thank you, Mike. Is yours one of those bad ones, too. I bet yours looks alright." He grins, "I don't have a drivers license yet." "You don't? How do you get around?" "Where I come from everything is close by." ...
    ... "Me too, well we have a lot of big hills but things are pretty close, I guess. I'm from Halifax. Where are you from?" "Hochelega. Its a suburb of Montreal. At one time it was a native village but now its all grown up. Everything is easy to walk to." "So you are native Indian. I think that's so neat. As you can see my Scandinavian roots stick out all over me. Blonde and junoesque is how I have been described most often when playing tennis. The press loves to flatter a winner though." She sits on Mikes bed to chat with him. "I'm actually a half breed since my father was Scottish. My mother was a Mohawk shaman in the village when my father was assigned the position as agent. "Did you find that a disadvantage when you went to school. I know the part Negro kids from Dartmouth just outside Halifax have to endure a lot of prejudice. It seems neither race wants to give them a chance." "I don't think we have any of that at home. Mom and Dad were both respected in the community. The local white chief of police came all the way to Brantford for their funerals. And pa's brother came all the way from Scotland." "Oh, that's terrible. Both of them are gone then? That's so tragic." "I try not to think about it much now. It happened and there is nothing I can do about it. Life goes on." "That's so brave. I think I'm going to like working with you, Mike. I think we will be friends." "Well, thank you. I've been giving some thought to what we can do with your bulkiest luggage so we don't have to ...