1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... and gents." "First I am going to rearrange you so you all can see. I want the center rank, that's the second rank to turn right and the rear rank to turn left. Go ahead and make that turn. Now we are going to form a U shaped group so second rank, quick march! Left turn. That's it, second rank, halt!" He does the same with the rear rank going the other way. "The first command you are going to learn is the attention position. Your group leader will address you as Squad or Group or Parade. He will follow that with the command ah ten hah. When he or she calls out that command you will assume the attention position which your Master Seaman will now demonstrate." "Note the chin up, eyes straight ahead, chest out, arms straight down by your sides with thumbs lined up with your trouser seams" he walks around the MS pointing, "legs straight and together with toes pointed out from the center at ten and two o clock. He doesn't move or fidget about. It is a position of offering full attention to what is happening around you. You are ready for action." "Now I would like you all to assume that position in your place and feel what its like. The MS and I will come around to check you and make sure you have it right." They proceed to do that and correct errors all along the way. "Okay we have to hurry on now, we got started late. The second position we will practice is 'Stand At Ease'. This is a relaxed position of the Attention that balances your weight over a wider stance. Your MS will ...
    ... now demonstrate, from the Attention to Stand At Ease. He has pushed his left leg out twelve inches and clasped his hands behind his back." He clasps his hands behind his back turning so the other side can see. "Okay, let's see how you do it. Once again, we will check you." They practice moving from the Attention to the Stand At Ease position as they are checked. The MS has to go so he introduces Mike as the AB. "I guess you can see how its done. I see you are doing it well. Just make sure they are doing it like you do." They practice a bit more. "We have one more position to cover today. This is the Stand Easy position. In the Stand At Ease position you are still in a rigid state ready for further orders but in the Stand Easy position you are allowed to fully relax moving your arms and body freely all except your feet. Your feet do not move. You cannot talk or smoke but otherwise you are free to relax." "Mike, would you take the At Ease position. That's it so from here I would command him, 'Stand Easy!' and you now can move your hands to relax them or your torso to further relax your upper body. You do not move your feet but this position is so easy to carry out that you can be left in the position for hours and should have no problem. Shake your hands there Mike, show them how relaxing it is. The rest of you can try it and then we will try running through the commands. Just check them, Mike." He does the same on his side then goes back to the front." "Just stay there in the ...