1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... complications. I'm not saying that some activity does not exist throughout the service but it is highly frowned upon. We are relied upon by the population of this great nation to do a job of protecting their liberties and so we have to make some sacrifices to ensure we are on duty and vigilant always. Think of your selves as cogs in the machine of defense. Do your job faithfully and you will be rewarded with honor by family and friends. Someone mutters, "If we don't date how will we have family?" and everyone laughs. "Settle down now. Are there any other questions?" Bev exclaims, "You mean I can't sleep with my boyfriend once in a while?" Jackie pipes up, "He means you keep it behind closed doors. Keep it private." Bill speaks in a loud whisper, "Just ask the slut, she knows!" which brings a hard glare from Mike. The instructor interjects, "I did not say that, I said... Now, I don't want you speaking out in class that way. I would ask that you raise your hand and only speak when asked to. Now I have some forms for you to fill in concerning your health and privacy and also some health forms for you to sign." He proceeds to pass out paper, paper and more paper. "You can expect this week to be getting settled in. That includes haircuts, vaccinations, clothing issuance, scheduling and all the assorted miscellaneous that goes with the military life. By this time next week you will find yourself fitting into a routine." Time goes by quickly and soon they are on their way to ...
    ... lunch. There's a lot of chatter throughout the group and a rumor is going around about the couple who went on leave. They are still not back and there's some doubt about where they were going even. They confided in a friend they were going partying. Mike groans when he hears this. He tries to hurry everyone along to get back on the parade square by one. There are only a few stragglers but the MS is quite upset with them and screams at them to get into three ranks. When the last one is in place he takes them to task. "I have sixty minutes to teach you certain moves and so I make up a lesson plan. My lesson plan is based on sixty minutes, not fifty two or forty eight. Keeping that in mind I would appreciate you arriving on time or before the time you need to be here." He looks at Mike, "You can help me with that." "Yes, Master Seaman." "Okay, we are going to be joined in a moment by our drill instructor and here he comes now. Squad, this is RCR Sergeant Wendell Berger." He turns to the sergeant and says, "It's all yours, Wend. I guess I'm your dummy for today but I do have to leave a bit later." "I'll keep that in mind, Bruce." He addresses the squad, "I am a sergeant in the regular army. I'm with the Royal Canadian Regiment, Second Battalion and I am here on an instructor's training course so my duties are two fold. Like you I am a student part of the time. You'll find I am a fair minded individual most of the time but I do yell a lot. Its not personal, just part of my job, ladies ...