1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... from under the stairs. People are lining up to drop their hats into the box. Some are going back to their rooms to get theirs. Its a good hour before they are finally assembled. The MS tries to have them march together and they do fairly well to a classroom. The MS has them seated and awaits an instructor. While waiting he asks Mike, "Have you got any more surprises for me? Mike shudders when he thinks. "I don't see the kids back that got twenty-four hours leave. I suppose I have to answer for that." "No, that's the Duty Officer's problem. He signed the passes although I am surprised he gave one to both of them." "Uh Bruce, I signed them." "No, the gate wouldn't let them out without an Officer's signature on them." "I don't know, they didn't come back." The MS looks troubled, "You really signed their passes? I mean signed at the bottom?" "Uh, yes." "Oh God, I can't believe it!" At that an instructor comes in the door and the MS introduces them. He tells the instructor he has business at the gate house and leaves. "Okay, as the MS said, I am Sub-Lieutenant Groggins and I will be working with you often in the area of personal orientation. We'll start off with roll call so please sing out when I call your name. Now I want you to write down the room number I give you when you answer the roll call." "I think the women will be all in one barrack block but you fellows will be spread out in at least two differing blocks." He looks down at his clipboard. "Ron Aldridge." "Here, ...
    ... sir." "Ron, you are in Beaver Block and your room is seventeen." The SLt continues with the roll call and assigning rooms. When he is finished he says, "Here's your schedule for today. You have a short one but a lot to do. We will be here doing orientation till noon and then lunch." "At exactly 1300 hours you will all be on the parade square ready for one hour's drill. After that you will be dismissed to return to your temporary quarters and get moved to your assigned rooms. That will complete your day's assignments for today. "Tomorrow morning at 0800 you will return to this classroom for further orientation. I would advise you early on to get yourselves in the habit of being prompt. Tardiness is not tolerated in the service so start off with a resolution to always be on time. Are there any questions? Don't be shy, ask away. Yes, is it Beverly? You have a question?" "When can we leave the base?" "For what purpose, Beverly?" She shrugs, "Shopping, I guess." "There's a commissary here near the mess hall that carries most anything you might need. Have you checked it?" "I mean for personal use like to go swimming or dating?" "We have an Olympic sized pool here but I am glad you mentioned dating. The MS asked me to have a word with you folks about dating in the service. Fraternization between the sexes is not encouraged in the service for many obvious reasons." "I'm not referring to pregnancy only but also the physical, mental and even the financial consequences that can lead to ...