1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... center, Mike. Now all together, Ah ten huh! That's it, the attention position. Don't move around now. Class, 'Stand at Ease'. Quickly now, put that foot out there and clasp those hands behind your backs. Don't move around, you are still in a parade position. 'Class Ah ten huh.' Wait for it and move together. 'Class Stand at Ease.' That's better. "Class, Stand Easy.' That's it, you got it." The balance of their time is spent practicing those three maneuvers over and over. At the end their MS comes back to join them and takes over to dismiss them. He tells them they have the rest of the day to move to their permanent quarters and will be expected to go to the same class room they were in that morning by 0800 tomorrow. Then its, 'Class Dismissed'. No one needs instructions on what to do after that. He calls Mike over and explains, "They have found those kids out on leave. They're in jail in Middleton which isn't nearly half way to Halifax. They are under arrest for drunken behavior and disorderly conduct. It is likely the service will bail them out but make them pay out of their wages for any damages and repay the Government. I suspect we will both have to face the music over this and perhaps the gate keeper as well. Just a heads up, Mike. I wanted to keep you in the picture." "Thanks, Bruce. I'm sorry for the upset I set in motion. "We'll get through it but you might lose that hook before its done." They part and Mike goes to pack up his belongings. Jackie is sitting in his ...
    ... room pouting. He inquires, "What's the problem, love?" "We're not going to be able to keep sleeping together. Doesn't that make you sad, too?" "Yes, but that's the service. I signed on with them so I guess I have to go along with their rules. Besides we'll still sneak into each others bed occasionally, I am sure. The MS as good as admitted they have a problem enforcing that rule." She brightens up and says, "Can I help you pack?" They pack him up and then clean the room. When everything looks like the day he arrived they stand in the hall. Mike removes the signs from his door. He asks, "Are you all packed?" "Nope. Are you asking if you can help me? Yep. Follow me." They go up to the head of the stairs and step inside. It looks like a whirlwind has blown through. Mike comments, "It looks like Mary Anne has gone, I see." Jackie just shakes her head and pulls down a suitcase from the closet. She starts opening drawers and filling the case. Mike pitches in to help her. They are soon done. She says, "I suppose we better clean up." "Do you have a shovel?" She rolls her eyes but starts cleaning. With two working it goes quickly and they are soon done. They haul her baggage down to the lower entrance where Mike's is waiting by his door. Jackie steps back into the room and sighs, "I'm going to miss this room, love. We really made this place home." Mike nods. She pats the bed, "Once more for old times sake?" "It's nearly supper time." he studies her, "perhaps a quickie." She smiles and ...