1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... my pants before helping you?" "Oh sorry, we'll wait here in the hall." Mike stretches and kisses Jackie. "I suppose we better get up now." He piles out of bed and she tumbles out behind him. They gather clothes flung helter skelter and commence to dress themselves. When they have cleaned up the room Mike goes to the door and opens it. "Please, do come in." It's the couple who were to attend the funeral in Halifax today. "So what seems to be the problem?" "The guard on the gate won't let us go." "And why is that? Tell me exactly what he told you." "He said that no one leaves the base without a pass. I told him it was for a funeral but he said a pass was necessary." "Oh well, I suppose I will have to find you one then. I'm not sure where they keep them. Please rest assured that I will do my best." he opens his briefcase and looks up the number for the Master Seaman. He checks the change in his pocket and heads for the payphone in the hall. He takes a deep breath and picks up the receiver. Glancing at the number he dials and then deposits some coins. He stands there listening and soon hears the clicking of someone answering the phone. "Hello Bruce?" All is quiet on the line then he speaks, "Who is this?" "It's Mike, Bruce. I need your help." "It's Sunday. Do you know what time it is?" "Uh, just a moment. I have it here." He tries to see his watch in the shadows. "Never mind, this is Mike Claymore, right?" "Yes, yes it is." "What's your problem, Mike?" His voice has taken on a ...
    ... kindly manner. "Well, I need pass forms. The ones for Compassionate Leave and we don't seem to have any. Do you know where they are?" "Have you asked the Duty Officer?" "Yes, I spoke with him and he assured me it was Compassionate leave." "Oh, he must be out of them. I think there are some in that barracks you are in under the stairs in a box." "Oh, that's good. I can see that door from here. Thanks very much Bruce and I'll see you tomorrow." "You're not having any other troubles, are you?" "No, everything is going along well. Eight more new recruits have checked in and I am expecting more today. "Well, I'm pleased to hear that. It looks like I chose the right man for the job. Take care now, Mike." "Yes, goodbye Bruce." Mike gets off the phone and goes to the storeroom under the stairs. He hauls out a couple boxes and soon has leave forms in his hands. He chuckles, "Can't be too hard to make these out." He carries them back to his office. "Now that didn't take long, did it." He drops the sheaf of passes on his desk spilling a couple. He scoops them up and looks over the top one. "Hmmm, I guess I will need two. One for each of you." Sitting at his desk he diligently enters their information as they relate it for him. "I think twenty four hours sounds good. You have to be back for the course on Monday morning anyway." Studiously he finishes by signing them with a flourish, "That's AB Michael Claymore. I guess that should do the trick." He hands them the passes. "I hope you are ...