1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... not going to be late and good luck." He looks over another form as they leave then calls them back, "Hold on, it says office copy on that carbon copy so I should keep that. You just need the top copy. Good thing I caught that." He sends them on their way. Jackie asks, "What do you do with your copies?" "Keep them for the MS I guess." He places them in his briefcase. "Now that wasn't so hard. I think I could do this job full time. I wonder if this is what I am cut out to do?" "I can't wait to see you in your uniform. I'm sure you will be so handsome. How will I ever keep my hands off you then? You'll have to fight off the women where ever you go." "I think its time I took you on my arm to breakfast, my love." At the gate the guard is processing the paperwork for a load of supplies that arrived in late Saturday night. His relief is late and he is tired. He looks up and sees those kids he sent back for passes but sees they have them in hand. Quickly he looks them over and sends them on their way. The couple walk down the road away from the base hand in hand grinning and saying how easy it was to sneak out of that place. "That simpleton we have in the barracks would believe anything." Meanwhile Jackie and Mike are enjoying an early breakfast. She asks, "Would you like to go to chapel with me after breakfast, Mike?" "I don't think so, love. I respect your choices but I have lost that simple faith I used to have. It has to do with the accident that killed my parents, I guess." ...
    ... "You have to learn to let it go, Mike. I don't mean to forget them but you have to accept they are no longer with us. I loved my grandma so much, she was the one who seemed to understand me. I always try to be like her, you know. But now she is gone so I have to accept that. I still love her." "You go ahead to chapel if you want, Jackie. I'm just going back to the room." They finish up and go their separate ways. Mike lays across the bed daydreaming of taking off from an aircraft carrier far at sea. He can feel himself driven back into the seat by the acceleration as he screams towards the end of the deck. He sees his buddy rising out ahead of him as if being born from the prow of their ship. Then he is suspended dropping slowly towards the waves as his engines scream speeding him up and slowly he starts to climb. "Roger tower, I'm air born and lifting into light cover. See you at 1800. Out." He pushes on imaginary throttles by his stick pulled back in his belly. "Yahoo!" He scans the horizon for his pal. Flashing up through light cloud he breaks out into full sun and the world is white, gold and blue. He scans his instruments and sets a course. "That would be the life. All that power driving you ahead and you have control over it all. Your fingertips determine how much and when and land mass or water doesn't matter, you surge ahead." He decides he will try out for pilot training when he has the chance. Mary Anne pops in to see Jackie but since she is not there she goes on up to ...