1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... stopping after two minutes." "So tell me about 'Heads You Win'." "We have to use a timer for this one and a coin. We flip the coin and say it's heads I do two minutes of fellatio on you, but if its tails you do two minutes of cunnilingus on me. Then you flip the coin again. If one player wins three times in a row they get to have full intercourse for two minutes but they do have to quit after the two minutes. A game can last a couple hours if you have the patience." "What kind of wild parties do you folks have in Winnipeg?" "We have long cold winters, you know." she laughs and Mike joins her. Mike mentions, "I really had in mind card games like Erotic Eights or Kissing Royals." "I'm not sure about them. I know Erotic Eights, I think. That's like Crazy Eights, right?" "Yep, we write down what action we want the other one to perform if we win and play progresses. Each of us receives 8 cards, and place the rest of the cards in a pile and turn over the top card next to the pile. Eights are wild (of course), and can become any suit or number. If a 9 of diamonds is face up, you can play any nine or any diamond (or any 8, which is a wild card). You and your partner continue playing your cards, until one of you runs out of cards. If, for some reason you cannot follow a suit/number, you must draw a card from the deck (you cannot play a card at this point). Now it's your partner's turn to play a card." "Okay, so what about Kissing Royals?" "Playing this game, is like Slap Jack. Each ...
    ... of you are dealt 26 cards. One person turns over a card on the top of the deck and lays it down. The first person to slap his/her lap when an overturned card is a face card (ace, king, queen or jack) gets a kiss from his/her partner (and not JUST a kiss)!! The best part ... the winner of each Slap Jack, then chooses where he/she wants to be kissed!" "Oh, I like that. Let's try it." Mike agrees and deals out 26 cards each. He flips the top card and its a seven of hearts. Quickly Jackie flips hers but its a three. Mike flips and its a Queen. As quick as a flash Jackie slaps her knee. "I want my kiss inside my thigh," and she leans back in her chair spreading her legs. Mike cheerfully kneels between her legs and touches his lips to the flesh letting his tongue lick here and there before his lips settle and caress the flesh. as he raises his head he sees her flipping a card and he can see its a face card. Like a snake he slaps her knee before she can properly see it. He laughs as she gasps and says, "Well where?" "On these lips of mine." She kisses him softly and then with more passion. And with such actions they wile away the evening until retiring filled with unbridled passion. Peacefully they pass the night undisturbed and Sunday is another bright and sunny day. But it doesn't last as attested to by the ruckus in the hall outside Mike's door. There is a loud knocking and the door springs open. "I'd invite you in but it seems you are already here," declares Mike. "Might I put on ...