1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... "He's such a creep. I don't know what I saw in him." Mike exclaims, "People will see what he is all about and he will dig his own grave. I don't worry about people like him." They lounge in the afternoon sun chatting about the service and their lives to date. Many friendships are built in the service in this way. Others come out to join them and so they wile away a sunny Saturday afternoon. Mary Anne comes out to ask Mike to unlock the storage room door. He speaks to her quietly, "I don't advertise it but I don't have a key. Its not locked." "It wouldn't open for me. Are you sure?" "I'll come and give it a try. I'm sure its just sticking or something." He follows her inside. When he tries it there is no problem. It simply opens. She looks sheepish and shrugs, "I tried it and it didn't work for me. I just wanted to get my racquet and some togs." She puts a hand on his shoulder, "Are we okay? I didn't mean to abandon you guys at noon." Mike says vaguely, "I think everything is okay..." he pauses, "uh, what's your name again?" She slaps his shoulder, "Oh Mike! You're too much!" Mike slaps her bottom lightly, "We're going for supper before too long. Do you want to join us?" "I will. I am just going to take these things upstairs. See you and thanks for the help." "I'll close it. See you in a bit." He closes it and goes back out to join Jackie. He explains what Mary Anne wanted and says she is joining them for supper. Jackie gets up and says she'll be right down. She's just going ...
    ... up to her room. She dashes off upstairs. In a short time they both come out and join Mike. Jackie cuddles up to him and asks, "Can we go for supper now?" Mike nods and gets up with them. The others watch the three leave and Mike can hear the rumor mill starting up before they get out of sight. Supper is uneventful except they once again lose Mary Anne to her tennis pals. They both feel that they sort of expected it. She is gravitating more and more to that crowd. She joins them later in Mike's room but says she only came to get some stuff from her room. She just stopped to let them know she wouldn't be back until late " or maybe tomorrow," Jackie finishes for her. She beams and bobs her head up and down. Mike digs out the pack of playing cards. "Cut for deal!" They do and Mike gets to deal. "What are we playing?" "Strip poker." "Oh," says Mary Anne. "I'm not sure if I'm going or not." but she soon leaves. Mike complains, "We are too evenly matched. It's going to take one of us all night to strip the other." "We could change the game." "What do you suggest? Spin the bottle?" "Not with two of us but how about 'Heads You Win' or 'Socks you win' or sometimes its called 'Socks you lose'?" "How do they go?" "For Heads you need a coin but Socks is fun and easy. We set up a prize or penalty for getting the other persons sock off. For instance 2 minutes of fellatio might be the prize but you have to stop then and start over or it could be cunnilingus for the ladies. The suspense is ...