1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... laughing at Jackie. "I guess we got caught, love." He laughs again. Mary Anne jumps up and protests, "No, its not like that. He just woke up?" "Like hell he did. His cock is wet and dripping. How do you explain that?" Mike drawls. "Buckaroo, you've given us away. What can I say." He leers at them, "Let's go piss and go for breakfast. And I do mean in that order." He starts bouncing up and down. They all laugh and head for the washrooms. They meet back at Mike's room and he says, "I'm doing a laundry. Would anyone like to toss in their undies with mine?" They both agree to add theirs and so they head out of the barracks. Mike looks all around and says, "Does anyone notice anything unusual?" No one does so he states, "Haven't you noticed how quiet it is? No one marching on the parade square and very few people on the move anywhere. It's almost eerie. It's not a holiday, is it?" "Not that I know of." and "No." are his two responses. "Must be just because its the weekend, I guess." Their footsteps echo as they proceed to the dining hall. "Downright weird!" Mike speaks briefly to the Duty Officer as they go in and chatter over breakfast includes detailed instructions on how to wash the ladies clothes. Mary Anne says she is going to check the recreational area for a tennis club and Jackie says she is going looking for a hairdresser. They all briefly return to the barrack to gather clothes together and make sure he has instructions, which he promptly forgets. He washes theirs like ...
    ... his and everyone is happy. Around lunch time they return. Mary Anne is frazzled from playing tennis and Jackie is dazzling with a fancy hairdo. They amble over to the dining hall and go in. They sit together at first but soon Mary Anne spots a couple of handsome athletic jocks and says they are the ones she was playing tennis with. She goes over to join them. Jackie and Mike are not invited. "Not my type," comments Mike and Jackie says, "Couple of snobs, if you ask me." "Let's go back and mess up that pretty hairdo of yours, love." "How can a girl refuse a proposition like that?" They return to Mike's room and he sits at his desk. He looks down the list, "How many of these do you think will show up today?" Jackie looks over his shoulder, "Should be about ten more?" "Yep, it looks that way." "I guess we have to stay close around then." Mike agrees so they go out to sit on the steps. It's such a nice day that its a shame to stay indoors. After a while Jack and Bev come out to join them. "We were wondering if you have anything on courses available, Mike?" "I'm afraid not. I'm sure you will get that kind of stuff early next week since I imagine its an important question to many of us." "Okay and while we are here, I want to say that I'm pleased to see Jackie and you still together. You make a nice couple." "Well, thank you Jack. I might say the same about you and Beverley." "One other thing, Mike. Bill is still bad mouthing her. I just thought you should know." Jackie pipes up, ...