Date: 2/21/2016, Categories: True Story Author: cyrano
... I just knew it!" I shouted as I pumped like a wild man for about...you guessed it. Then I dismounted like a gold medal gymnast and started pacing back and forth at the foot of the bed. "What's wrong?" she said sitting up and covering herself in the sheets. "I'm too excited. I've got to calm down." Some women find this cute at first - until they realize I can keep this up for hours. Kissing necking rubbing! PUSSSSYYYY! Dismount. "Kissing necking rubbing..." Fuck the Crockpot I'm sure you've heard the analogy: Men are microwaves. Women are crockpots. Well, what my "affliction" has taught me is that this crockpot business is all bullshit. If a woman really needs to get off, it takes less than five minutes. All the time and effort you're putting into foreplay is actually just giving her time to quiet those voices in her head. Does he think my ass is fat? My cellulite must make him want to gag? "Lord, please don't let him ask me to take off my bra. "He doesn't really like doing that. He's just trying to win points." "Did I lock the back door?" My five minute attention span frustrates women until one voice shouts above all others, "I NEED TO GET OFF!" About an hour and fifteen minutes into what I call The Show - Kissing necking rubbing. PUSSSSYYY! Dismount - I guess Lisa was frustrated enough to catch on. When my face reached her crotch... again, she grapped the back of my head and in less than a minute... "Whoa!Whoa!Whoa!" It sounded like she had something hot on her tongue ...
... that she couldn't spit out. Then there was a whole lotta shaking goin' on. See? All it took was a little focus. Three "Whoa!Whoa!Whoa!'s" later Lisa finally realized what it would take the close The Show. Her orgasms weren't going to do it. The Show goes on no matter how many orgasms a woman has, real or not. The only thing stopping The Show is MY orgasm. So, Lisa wrapped her legs around me and held me there until I brought down the curtain. Pillow Talk We layed there post coitus for what seemed like an hour. Finally... "I'm sorry it took so long. After three children I'm about as wide as the Grand Canyon. I'm thinking about vaginal rejuvenation." There you have it. We all have our fears and insecurities when it comes to sex. This was Lisa's. I'm sure she has nightmares of some guy just pumping away and whining, "I can't feel nothing!" Her wise crack about the Grand Canyon was just a feeble attempt at self-deprecation. Better that it came out of her mouth than mine. It was also a trap. I had to tread lightly here. Some poor dolt could easily step right into the snare thinking he was paying her a compliment. "No, you're fine. Really snug." She'd never believe another word he said after that. Or if he was outright clueless... "No, it was nice being with a real woman for a change and not have to worry about being too big." He might as well put his clothes back on. "Hey," I said waiting for Lisa's eyes to meet mine. "Your body has changed. It's going to keep on changing. You're ...