Date: 2/21/2016, Categories: True Story Author: cyrano

    I'm a man with a little dick. But that doesn't stop women from fucking me - even women who say they want men with big dicks. They fuck me because I give them what they need, not what they say the want. In "Adventures of Little Dick" I'll share with you some of needs of the women I've met and how I fulfilled them. THE GRAND CANYON Taking My Shot Her name is Lisa. She was someone I'd been running into off and on for at least five years - long enough to know she had been divorced for two and had three kids. She was definitely commanding my attention as he filled her plate at a table set aside for appetizers. She was wearing a simple blue sundress that was having more than just a simple affect on me. That dress looked as light as air as it caressed her thighs and every now and then dipped into the pucker of ass. Lisa is a beautiful woman, but this is the first time I noticed her body. She was forty pounds overweight but my dick was telling me it was in all the right places. I had to take a shot. "Hi, Lisa," I said as I approached her. I felt she knew me well enough for me to invade her space. I never hit on woman I don't know at least casually. Rejecting a stranger is easy; to me, that's too huge an obstacle overcome to be worth the effort. "Hi, Cyrano." "I was wondering if you could do me a favor." I chose my words carefully. She couldn't think I was asking her out on a date. Women have a list of qualities they want in men they date. I wouldn't get two deep on anyone's list. ...
    ... So I asked her for a favor. I wanted her to do something FOR me not WITH me. "I heard about a new restaurant opening up that I want to try, and I hate going to restaurants alone. I just feel creepy." I wasn't lying, maybe exaggerating a little. Dining out alone does make me feel uncomfortable and self-conscience. I stick as as close to the truth as possible, even if it makes me look weak. Women have excellent lie radars. "I hear the food is great..." I always use good bait. It's usually a low-risk activity that I can sell in place of myself. If I offered myself, that list was going to come out. And that list is absolute. If she wants a Matthew McConaughey, I don't care if she looks like a gila monster, she'll think she deserves a Matthew McConaughey. "...recipes from the Old Country, unique flavors." I'd done my homework before I even knew my target. I was going down the menu, practically item by item. I was selling the restaurant and the restaurant experience, not a date with me. "I don't know. Between my job and the kids, I really don't even have time for myself." I could tell she was feeling cornered so I backed off. "Just think about it. It's just a short drive from here." This is not a date; She's meeting me there. "Besides, don't you need a break from fish sticks and frys?" I asked smiling as I walked away. Thirty to forty minutes later she walked up to me and said, "Sounds like a good restaurant. I think I can do it Saturday after next." She took the bait. Hold The ...