Date: 2/21/2016, Categories: True Story Author: cyrano

    ... Interview, Please Isabella's was small restaurant but its large expansive windows made it seem bigger. I was waiting outside pacing and preparing myself mentally - Lisa was ten minutes late. When I spotted her in the parking lot she was dressed just as I expected: middle-management chic. This was a Saturday and here she was dressed like she was going to a job interview. I had no flowers - this was not a date. I opened the door for her but I made no attempt to pull out her chair. I ordered several things on the menu. after all, the sole reason for us being here, supposedly, was to sample the food. After the waiter left, it didn't long for her to start in on the interview process. "So, you like being a mailman?" I had to cut her off quickly or this was going to go south in a hurry. Ms. Middle-Mangagement was qualifying me as if we were on a date. "Whoa! No date talk. We're here for the food. So let's stick to that. Tell me, what was the first taste you can remmember that made you feel real safe and warm inside?" If she followed my lead, I would be back in control. If not, I was just going to enjoy the food, thank her for joining me, and we were going to go our separate ways. "My grandmother's tea cakes," she said after thinking for minute. I had her. From there on out we talked about food, but in doing so we covered our childhoods, friends and family, trips and vacations. We were two human beings sharing our lives, not two automatons talking about five year plans or if we saw ...
    ... children in our future. But more important, when I saw her face light up when talking about food, I knew she was having good, warm, fuzzy, feelings - feelings for the most part she would attribute to being with me. While waiting for our leftovers, I asked her if she would try one more restaurant with me. It was a test. If I had relaxed her enough her to embrace her FEELINGS, the answer was going to be a quick yes. If she was still THINKING about me and where this was going, I was dead in the water. Heeeere's Jessica Our second "date" was at Dugan's, a rustic bar and grill. I couldn't believe the difference in Lisa's appearance. It was like night and day. She had squeezed into a really tight, low cut, red dress with pumps to match. Her hair had accents in it, and it looked like a professional had done her hair. I always pay close attention to a woman's appearance. It pays huge dividends down the road. I don't just take mental notes, I write it down as soon as possible, or in today's world of smart phones and mini-recorders, dictate it. Either Lisa had a date after our dinner, or she was dressed this way for me. If it was the latter, I hit the jackpot. In either case, it was time for The Dance. A woman dressed like Jessica Rabbit expects to be treated like she's hot. Lisa was asking for The Dance. So I gave it to her. "Wow, Lisa! That you?" I tap danced around her like a bellhop working for a big tip. I got the door, pulled out her chair, acted speechless - the whole nine yards. ...