1. The Slumber Party

    Date: 8/29/2015, Categories: First Time Group Sex Taboo Author: brianbigdogsmith, Source: xHamster

    ... web. She was carrying a pillow and a bag. She was the only one of Marie's friends that was ever friendly to Charlie. Charlie reopened the door and walked out to meet Britney. "Hi Charlie," Britney said. "Hi Britney, can I help you with those?" he asked. "Thank You Charlie, can you carry this?" she asked as she handed him the bag. A quick glance in the bag revealed it was full of clothing items including a bra and panties that were on top of the heap. They walked together toward the house. Wanting to not look like a speechless nerd, Charlie said, "You are the last to arrive, everyone is up in Marie's bedroom." "It should be a fun weekend," she replied. Charlie stood back letting Britney walk through the door first. "Thank You Charlie, I can take that now," Britney said. Charlie handed the bag back to Britney. Britney started to ascend the staircase. Charlie watched as she took each step. He noticed that like Jennifer, Britney's hips had an exaggerated rolling and sway motion as she walked. From the angle he was, he watched the lowermost curve of her ass cheeks and could see fleeting glimpses of her panties between her legs. Just below his perception, his body was responding to the visual stimulus. He watched until Britney had cleared the top stair. He closed the front door and went back into the living room. He channel surfed though the channels until he found a sci-fi movie that looked interesting. It too about a half an hour or so, but eventually all the girls came back down ...
    ... stairs. Although the girls had the whole house to congregate in, they chose the living room to come to. All six girls were giggling and talking about every subject under the Sun. Boys, school, shopping, cooking, clothes, movies, and whatever they could think of at the time. They were laughing and seemed to be talking in code with conversation. It was hard for Charlie to follow the movie with this girly conversation going on. Charlie got up from the couch, and started to head toward the kitchen. "Where are you going Charlie?" Marie asked. "Kitchen for a soda!" Charlie replied a little indignant because he was asked. "Shithead, can you bring me a cola?" Jane asked. Before he could even respond with what he was thinking, Lorri and Britney both said, "Me too!" A couple of other girls said something about being thirsty and hungry. "What should we order to be delivered; Chinese, Burgers, Pizza or Chicken?" Marie asked. Almost immediately the girls agreed for pizza and bread sticks. "What kind of pizza should we order?" Marie asked. Charlie voted for a multi-meat pizza. He headed to the kitchen to get the sodas. Donna and Britney requested pepperoni, and the other girls wanted cheese. Marie looked up the number and dialed the pizza shop. Charlie walked back into the living room with the drinks. "That's right,... Two Large Cheese Pizzas, One Large Pepperoni, and One Medium Multi-Meat. And Two orders of Bread Sticks, one with dipping cheese the other with marinara sauce... That total ...