1. The Slumber Party

    Date: 8/29/2015, Categories: First Time Group Sex Taboo Author: brianbigdogsmith, Source: xHamster

    ... the door, and as she reached the door way, she turned off the room light and closed the door. Charlie and Britney had sex three times that night. In the morning, all the girls invaded Charlie's room again. "It is our turn, time to fuck us," Jennifer said as she jumped into bed. "We want you to massage our tits and suck our nipples when you do it. That set the tone for the next hour's activity. In their activities, Lorri, Jennifer and Jane had their womb filled with cum. Marie and Britney took a shower and got dressed. While the others were preoccupied, Marie and Britney went about the tasks to prepare breakfast and cleaned what they could in preparation of Marie's parents coming home. One by one each of the girls bathed and eats breakfast. They would join in the various cleaning projects to prepare for the return of the parents. Lorri was the last to be with Charlie. When they finished, She and Charlie showered together. They joined the others for breakfast after dressing for the day. True to her word, Marie and the girls that had finished breakfast went and cleaned Charlie's room. They striped the bed and washed the bedding. The accumulation of bodily fluids spilled that could be evidence of the night's activity was washed away in the laundry. The shot glass and spoon were added to the breakfast dishes in the dish washer. The furniture was polished in every room with lemon furniture polish. "Sea Breeze" air freshener was sprayed in every room. The finishing touch was ...
    ... making Charlie's bed when the dryer finished. They were now ready for the return of Charlie and Marie's parents. It was about 10:30. <Ring> <Ring> Marie picked up the phone and said, "Hello" "Yeah we found enough to eat for breakfast," She said. "Really?" she asked. The girls looked at Marie due to the change of her voice. "No, we haven't burnt down the house," Marie said. "No he has been GREAT; he has been very nice to my friends!" Marie exclaimed. "We will be alright; you just take care of Grandma" Marie added "We will see you tomorrow about four. Love you too, Good Bye Mom," she said as Marie hung up the phone. The girls all looked at each other and started to take off their clothes. As Jane removed her shirt she said, "I need to have some Charlie Cock in my Cunt!" All the girls laughed. For the rest of the day, the group had sex any way they wished. When it came supper time, they ordered pizza again. When the doorbell rang, all the girls answered the door not wearing a stitch of clothing. Marie opened the door with fifty dollars in hand. As the girls took the pizza boxes from the same delivery boy that had delivered the pizza last night, Marie tried to hand him the money. He tried to talk, but was speechless. Finally with a very delighted smile he said, "It is on the house, but if you order pizza again, could you PLEASE ask for Andy?" The girls laughed as he turned to walk back to his car. He looked back twice to see if what he had seen was real. Marie shut the door. Although ...