A Reluctant Daughter 3
Date: 2/14/2016, Categories: Fiction Cheating Incest Male/Teen Female Non-consensual sex Reluctance Author: dirtydiana18
... and never called back. I had already grabbed my luggage and was waiting at pick-up when my father pulled up. My mom wasn’t with him but that wasn’t too big of a surprise. January tended to be her busiest month. I knew it was a possibility that I would go home to a house with just my father. I hoped that wouldn’t be the case but I knew it was more than likely. I put my suitcase into the car and hopped into the passenger side. My father hadn’t really looked at me when he pulled up. From the small sneaks I managed to get at him I could tell he was tense. His body language oozed hostility, a fact that made me tremble. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me but I also knew that his passion had the ability to break any resolve I mustered. I only hoped he would accept the change in our relationship and move on. The airport was an hour drive away from our house and in all that time we didn’t speak a word to one another. The silence cloaked us, overpowering my blissful memories of Florida with the pain drenched ones of home. When the car finally pulled into our garage we were both as tense as ever. The second the engine was off I opened my door and leaped out of the car. I couldn’t be alone with him. Being with him was asking for trouble. I rushed to the back, opening the trunk and grabbing my suitcase. If I worked fast I could book it up to my room before he knew what was going on. I had to move quickly. With all my preoccupation about getting my luggage I had failed to notice the eerie calm ...
... which had settled over my father. Yet his change in demeanor didn’t go unnoticed when I closed the trunk door and was immediately greeted with all 5”11 of my dad mere inches away from my body. His emotions were masked, the only thing giving him away the thick pole under his shorts. I had been trying to keep my eyes trained on his but my brief glance at his shorts, a habit really, caused my stomach to lurch. At the sight I felt my nether regions tingle. Obviously I wasn’t as indifferent to him as I had hoped. He covered the inches between us quickly. Grabbing my luggage, pushing it aside, giving the two of us a decent amount of room in our rather tiny garage. I tried to skirt away to the door, but all I succeeded in doing was pushing myself up on the trunk of the car. Sensing the opportunity my dad trapped me with his body, his strong form creating a makeshift cage that left me pinned against the vehicle. His crotch pushed into mine as his hands went to my neck, caressing the sensitive skin there while his lips placed sloppy kisses around my face. I wiggled a little, still too surprised to find my voice. Yet in my struggle I stupidly wiggled my heated pussy right up against his clothed member. He released a guttural groan and picked up his intensity. Coarse hands roughly scoured my thighs as his fingers tugged at the hem of my dress. It bunched up around my waist, exposing a bright red pair of lacy underwear, stupid now that I think about it, because at the sight of it the thin ...