A Reluctant Daughter 3
Date: 2/14/2016, Categories: Fiction Cheating Incest Male/Teen Female Non-consensual sex Reluctance Author: dirtydiana18
... years he had become my crutch. After spending some time without him I began to realize that I could survive on my own. It was difficult for sure but I could do it. I could be a good daughter without being a good lover. Speaking of lovers, I took one while in Florida. He was a nice boy, 21 years old and the manager of the fruit stand I worked at. He was taking classes at the local community college trying to get on his feet after he had nearly ruined his life with drugs. His smile was haunted, revealing a vulnerable side that matched my own. We were two broken dolls trying to fix ourselves and our union seemed almost ironic. I enjoyed his company and listened intently to his stories. We weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend, we both understood that my short stay couldn’t entail that type of relationship, but we were together in every other way. His touches burned me and his kisses only served to stoke the fire. When we united it was tragic and beautiful at the same time. I thought of my dad when we did this, but rather than the remorse I expected to feel I was instead filled with joy. I had wanted to see if I could be with another man and in Florida I found my answer. I could. If I so chose to I could lead a happy life with a good family and a loving husband. The revelation took a load off my chest. Our loving was the only confirmation I needed. I wasn’t a broken sex toy. I was a doll in the process of mending. The day I was set to return home I spent one last moment with my ...
... fruit stand beau. In the middle of our throes of passion he had bent close, whispering in my ear that he would remember me for the rest of his life. His words surprised me. He hadn’t said ‘I love you’ or ‘Stay with me,’ instead he had given me something much better. He let me know that love did not need to be restraining. It may sound cliche but that day he taught me that love could set you free. It was a thought that would stick with me for the rest of my life. Still, all the loving in the world couldn’t calm the jitters I had over seeing my father again. I had spoken to him once in my entire trip and needless to say the phone call ended badly. I could tell that he was hiding in the bathroom while speaking to me, the acoustics of the tiled room fairly easy to pinpoint. The fact that he had to hide just to talk on the phone made me incredibly angry. He should not have to lock himself away in order to have a conversation with his daughter. I let him know so and he briskly reminded me that I wasn’t just his daughter I was his lover as well. That line threw me for a loop. I was an idiot to think he didn’t know me just as well as I knew him. Earlier in the conversation when he had asked me if I made any friends in Florida I had responded with a quipped ‘yes.’ That yes told him all he needed to know, he could sense the truth. We were both furious at one another. Him that I was sleeping with someone else and I that he was still clinging to the idea of us as lovers. I hung up the phone ...