A Reluctant Daughter 3
Date: 2/14/2016, Categories: Fiction Cheating Incest Male/Teen Female Non-consensual sex Reluctance Author: dirtydiana18
... our situation and determined to keep it going. The only thing that really made me reconsider my priorities was when I had to sit through my mother and father having sex. My bedroom may have been separated from theirs by the bathroom and a spare bedroom but I could hear my mother’s moans clear as day. Late at night I would toss and turn, pushing a pillow over my head to drown out the noises she was making on the cock I considered mine. It didn’t help that my dad would moan at the same level. His grunts unrestrained and echoing throughout the house. For a man who claimed to think of me when with her he sure had no problem cumming. On more than one occasion he had fucked her multiples times in one night, falling asleep exhausted and not even bothering to see to my needs. Each time it happened I would mull over our relationship. How could we ever justify a relationship with my mother in the house? Were we really in love if he could just as easily cum in her as he did in me? Those questions kept rattling around my brain, driving me crazy with the implications they held. When my father came to me one night after pounding my mother especially hard I vocalized my concerns. “I’m just saying that you sure do cum in her without any effort,” I hissed. We were having an argument. His cock didn’t want to get erect after he had just cum in my mother. Not even the sight of my naked body was getting a rise out of it. “You know I think of you when I do it baby. We’ve been over this.” His tone ...
... was that of a father reprimanding his daughter, not a man soothing his lover’s worries. “Then why is it so easy for you? I hear your sounds. Tonight didn’t even take five minutes. You must have one hell of an imagination.” I grabbed the blanket and pulled it against my body. I may have been naked but my father was fully dressed and sitting on the desk chair opposite my bed. It didn’t escape my notice that more often than not I was the one without clothes, baring my skin for him to see while he lay hidden behind layers of clothing. “I only think of you.” His promises were empty and yet I so wanted to believe them. Everything would be okay if I could actually believe I was the only one on his mind. But he had made me with my mother, I knew her body held at least some appeal to him. “I don’t have to explain myself,” he continued, his voice was demanding as he raked his hands through his hair. “I told you the truth and whether or not you believe me is your deal.” Is that what he really thought? “I’m not the one who just got fucked Dad,” I explained gruffly. “That was you. If you want me to believe what you say then prove it. The sight of my body should’ve gotten you hard by now. It always has before, obviously something is different if it isn’t now.” I threw off the covers and stood up, facing him without a stitch of clothing on. I did cheerleading and cross country. Cheerleading gave me a bubble butt and perky boobs, while cross country gave me shapely legs and a flat stomach. I ...