Harry Potter - Teenager Part 1
Date: 2/12/2016,
Cum Swallowing
Fan fiction,
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: uhhuh83
... room, this time via the toilet. He now came every night in that doorway. That night, he was certain some planning had taken place, not that he cared. Ginny lay on her bed, her covers thrown off, completely naked. Her slim body lay in the moonlight on it’s side. Her ass looked exquisite in the silvery light and her legs were just bent enough that he could see the V going down to her groin, but no detail. The realisation that Ginny was completely naked in the same room as Hermione meant he made short work of himself, and he swore he saw Ginny’s head move just a tiny bit in his direction. The next day he was in a daze, and, it may have been wishful thinking, but it seemed as though there was a level of intimacy between him and Ginny. Whenever they bumped into each other in the kitchen, he felt a rush of adrenaline and they looked at each other with strange, searching gazes. It felt strange, as though two different worlds were bleeding into each other; there was the wholesome, outdoor daytime world of chores, games with Ron and lovely dinners with the Weasleys, and his night time one of perversion, cum and naked Ginny. That evening, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione sat in Ron’s living room, empty bottles littering the floor. The Weasleys had thrown a small party with regulars, some from the Order, others from neighbouring villages, but now only the four of them were left, feeling slightly drunk. They sat for a long time talking about nothing in particular until Mrs Weasley came ...
... downstairs and told them to get to bed. Groaning, they gathered up their various things, and began to troop out. Ron and Hermione, ribbing each other and bickering, left first, and Harry and Ginny paused and looked at each, alone in the living room. Ginny had a small smile on her lips. “Ron tells me you haven’t been sleeping well Harry.” Harry couldn’t help himself, he blushed, and stammered, “well you know…the floor and all. It, err, can be uncomfortable.” Ginny smiled again and stepped towards Harry. They were close, now. “Well, I’m sure there is a bed available somewhere, if you look…” Harry gave a nervous laugh, which tailed off as he stared at Ginny. Almost as one, they came together, and any coolness on Ginny’s part deserted her as their lips met. They kissed passionately, tongues swirling against one another. Harry moved his hands down behind Ginny and pulled her ass so they were closer together. Ginny let out a little moan and Harry, encouraged, dipped his hands into her trousers and groped her soft ass. Just as Ginny’s hands began to move to Harry’s crotch, Ron burst in. “You too had better get moving, mom’s –“ He began, before coming to an abrupt stop. He gulped for a moment, then recovered and gave a shy grin. “Lightweights. Harry, come on up, mom’s on the warpath.” Harry grudgingly parted from Ginny, and as he left, he turned quickly. She gave him a little wink. Harry grinned to himself as he climbed the stairs after Ron. He knew where he’d be seeing her next. He ...