1. Harry Potter - Teenager Part 1

    Date: 2/12/2016, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Cum Swallowing Fan fiction, Masturbation Teen Male/Teen Female Author: uhhuh83

    Disclaimer: this work does not represent the views, opinions, or attitudes of the characters in the Harry Potter Universe, nor those of anything or anyone else to do with it. It does not have any affiliation with the author. I am not making any money from this story. Harry Potter lay on a makeshift camp bed, listening to his best friend Ron’s soft breathing. Darkness lay on the room like a soft blanket, slivers of moonlight cast a gentle blue glow, and the Boy Who Lived could not sleep. It had been nearly three months since the death of Sirius, but it was in these nocturnal hours that the death hung on Harry the heaviest. Something about the stillness and the peace reminded Harry that somewhere there was a bed, a chair, a kitchen counter or a corridor where his Godfather should be but was not. Still, tonight was different. A new paradigm had come into play. For the first time since being at Hogwarts last term, Harry’s teenage hormones were affecting him that night time way only teenage boys can know. Harry was horny as fuck. It was not unreasonable, he supposed; a sense of normality had slowly been returning to him over the summer. Time truly does heal wounds, particularly time spent with his best friends under long, balmy summer skies. After his unprecedentedly quick return to the Weasley House after just a few weeks at the Dursleys’, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny had assumed lives not dissimilar to that of teenage muggles; firelit camps in neighbouring fields, excited ...
    ... experiments with alcohol, and nervous games of spin the bottle. It was only natural, thought Harry, that this aspect of normalcy would return too. Just go to sleep, Harry urged himself. It was not like anything could be done – Ron was mere feet away. Harry kneaded his pillow, rolled over, and wished for sleep. But memories of tipsy drunken games were running through his mind, twisted and added to by his imagination. Last weekend, over a slowly dying fire Harry and Hermione had snogged for a dare, and Hermione had nearly followed him back to his tent after. Harry imagined a scenario: of Hermione slowly unzipping his tent after everyone was asleep, of her crawling into his sleeping bag, of his hand creeping past the elasticated waistband of her pajama shorts – Fuck it. The Chosen One tiptoed out the door down the corridor towards the toilet for a quick wank. On the way he passed Ginny and Hermione’s room. The door was ajar. Harry couldn’t resist a quick peek, even though it was mostly shrouded in darkness. All he could see was shapes. Just as he was about to move on, one of them stirred – Ginny, he presumed, since it occupied the higher bed. His eyes adjusting to the dark, he noticed with a fluttering leap in his chest that her ridden up, and he could see the bottom of her pert, full boobs, agonisingly close to her nipples. Her long, white legs were on show up to her upper thigh, and even though he knew she wore shorts to bed, he indulged himself briefly by imagining she was naked ...