1. Harry Potter - Teenager Part 1

    Date: 2/12/2016, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Cum Swallowing Fan fiction, Masturbation Teen Male/Teen Female Author: uhhuh83

    ... blanket, and the fabric clung to her tight behind. As Harry turned to leave, his ankle twisted and he bashed against the wall, making a loud bump. Terrified, Harry ran to the toilet without even turning to check. The fifth night was fruitless, and upon leaving the floor let out a loud creak. Harry toyed with the idea of letting a few nights pass just in case, but knew that his willpower would not allow it. The next night he was glad of his decision. Upon returning to the girls’ room he saw Ginny’s top half was out of the blanket, and she was not wearing a top! It was too dark to make out details, but he could see the swell of her breasts, and the small outline of her rosy nipples. Harry ran to the toilet, grabbed some paper and ran back. He came right there in the doorway, staring at Ginny’s full breasts. The next day Harry was slightly disgusted with himself. He ate breakfast in a state of distraction. “You alright mate?” Asked Ron. “Yeah fine, just couldn’t get to sleep is all.” Ron opened his mouth to say something, maybe to ask if it was Sirius, but decided better of it. “Never mind, quidditch game this afternoon.” Said Ron cheerfully. “Me, you and Ginny versus Fred, George, Bill and Hermione.” Harry brightened somewhat, and the events of the night lost their gravity. In the warm sunshine, playing quidditch in the garden, surely it did not matter what happened in that blue otherworld at night? And Harry felt no guilt as, a few hours later, he eased open the door to Ron’s ...
    ... room and crept down the corridor. That night Harry hit the jackpot: not only was Ginny’s topless upper half revealed once again, but the curtains were left open just enough that a sliver of light lay across her pale, silvery form. Her breasts rose and fell with her breathing, and Harry’s mouth went dry upon seeing her boobs properly for the first time. At just a bit smaller than Hermione’s, they were pert and topped by small, rosy nipples and pink areolas. Harry came again in the doorway. The next morning, Harry once again felt a spasm of guilt, particularly when running into Ginny in the kitchen. Was there something coy in her voice upon saying “morning Harry, sleep alright?” He hoped not; he could hardly bear to imagine what would happen if she knew, or, worse, if she told Mrs Weasley. But Harry’s willpower was not strong enough, and Harry once again made his night time walk. That night saw Ginny’s boobs and her thong covered ass, and Harry thought to himself how convenient it was for her always to be without her covers. His suspicions grew over the next week, each night of which saw Ginny naked but for a thong, on display in the crack of her curtains. He was almost sad when Mrs Weasley announced a family camping trip that weekend, and although the days passed quickly, filled as they were with games of quidditch, long walks in the countryside and mini-parties in the evenings, he missed his night time escapades. Monday night saw Harry once again creeping towards the girls’ ...