1. My aunt

    Date: 8/28/2015, Categories: Fetish, Hardcore Taboo Author: Thaumaturge, Source: xHamster

    ... to stifle another scream and as she came I quickly pulled back, spread her asscheeks and buried my tongue as deep as I could into her asshole. She screamed louder and came hard, her body convulsing and shaking. I moved back up onto my knees and shoved my cock back into her pussy. I glanced over to the mirror and could see the reflection of her tits swaying as I fucked her and that did it for me. I pushed as deep into as I could and shot my cum into her. We stayed on our knees until my cock softened and slid out of her then we collapsed onto the bed. We fell asl**p in each other’s arms. I woke up first and had a moment of panic when I realized who was asl**p beside me. My rationalization slowly came back as I remembered what had happened earlier. I eased out of bed, pulled on a pair of shorts and went to the kitchen to make coffee. “Jean” walked into the kitchen just as the coffee was finishing she had gone to her room and put on a long t-shirt. I poured us each a cup and we went out to the porch. “OK”, she started, “we need to come to an understanding. No….and I mean NO sex while {my uncle} is home or on the night before he comes home. You don’t say a word to ANYBODY.....and I mean NO ONE. If I say no, it means NO…..it doesn’t mean keep messing to try to get me in the mood….it means it’s not happening. If I tell you to stop doing something…..I mean stop……no excuses. Think you can deal with those rules?” I pretended to be thinking very hard about what she had just said, then ...
    ... looked at her and said, “Yeah. I understand about not doing anything while {my uncle} is here….if he found out he’d kill me…..literally AND physically. As for telling anybody….who would believe me? The stopping when you say so…….I guess I can live with it.” We shook hands on the deal and finished our coffee. “Jean” had errands to run that morning and then had the evening shift at the flower shop. I had grass to cut and edging to keep me occupied for most of my day so we went to our bedrooms and dressed for our activities. I finished my chores around 3, just as it was getting to the hottest part of the day and was sitting on the porch cooling off with a jug of ice water when the phone rang. I went in and answered it. It was my uncle asking me to tell “Jean” that because of a tropical storm in the area he was going to have to stay on the rig a while longer. I told him I would pass on the message when she got home. I hung up and then dialed the number to the flower shop. “Jean” answered and I relayed the message to her. I hung up with her and headed down the hall to shower and get cleaned up. I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard the phone ringing. I wrapped a towel around my waist and ran to the living room. It was my uncle again and he sounded worried. He said the tropical storm that had formed a few days prior was headed our direction and asked if I could put the hurricane shutters up by myself. I told him I’d check The Weather Channel to keep an eye on the weather ...