1. Fate's Calling (Chapter 3)

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: Terminix, Source: sexstories.com

    ... actually cut through my armor and kill me. I kneed him in the groin as hard as I can. My opponent had clearly not expected this, and doubled over for a second, allowing me to recover and counterattack. I brought down my sword towards his armored back with all my strength in order to end this fight. In a flash, the enemy brought his blade up to meet mine, and with a loud scraping of steel on steel, our weapons were knocked out of our hands like us two, who were sprawling on the floor on our bottoms. We stood up. My opponent removed his helmet and chestplate and kicked his sword aside. He assumed a hand-to-hand fighting stance, fists hovering in front of the face. “We will fight like men!” the man shouted. I realized what he was proposing and followed suit. We were both unarmed in a fight to the end. This time, I made the first move. I stepped forward and swung one first at his face. As I predicted, my opponent stuck out a hand to catch my fist. With my other hand, I grabbed his wrist tightly, not letting go. I stepped on one of his feed and kneed him in the stomach. I was about to knock him to the ground when suddenly, his other foot hooked around my ankle and flipped me over. I was now lying on the ground on my stomach. I quickly rolled right side up just in time to see his fist flying towards my face. I rolled to the side again and this time, he aimed right below my ribs, attempting to knock the wind out of me. I caught his fist and used it to pull him towards me as I aimed ...
    ... a kick below his ribs. I successfully accomplished what my opponent had tried to do to me and knocked the wind out of him. He was caught by surprise, and I used this opportunity to pull him to the ground beside me. I rolled over him and put one hand around his throat and used the other hand to direct blows at his face, which he weakly deflected with his two hands. My knee was on his stomach, further restricting his breathing. After half a minute, I heard a hoarse croak. “You-” he coughed. “win,” my opponent said, forcing the words out of his constricted throat. I immediately ceased my attacks and released him. I began to put on my armor as the swordsman slowly stood up, coughing blood. This went on for a few minutes before he walked into his home behind the store. He came out with a bucket of water and a bow and quiver full of arrows. The man raised the bucket up and drank greedily, swallowing as much as he could. An eternity later, he slammed the container down on the table, droplets of water flying onto the wooden surface. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hands and sighed a deep, heavy sigh of relief. He smiled at me and said, “That was a great fight. I have not been defeated in ages, although my age is catching up to me.” The swordsman chuckled at his own joke. Then he raised his head and looked me in the eye, dead serious. “No ordinary knight can possibly be capable of defeating me, for despite my age, I am still fast and strong. Who are you?” “My name is Shadow.” ...