1. Fate's Calling (Chapter 3)

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: Terminix, Source: sexstories.com

    ... were wrinkles on his forehead and his hair was turning grey. He had heard me enter, but did not even look up from his work. “Hello,” I greeted the man. “I would like to have my armor polished and sword sharpened.” “Just set it over there on the table,” he said. I began removing my armor and setting it on the wooden surface. I removed my coins and medicine from the shoe and held them tightly in my hand. I was a little uneasy about giving this man my only weapon, leaving myself unarmed. I tried to erase my worries and set my blade with my armor. I had a seat in a chair in the corner. A minute later, the man took a look at my items. “This will take an hour at most. That will be two silvers,” the man gruffly said. I stood up and found that I only had two gold, one silver and three bronze. “Only got a gold, sorry,” I apologized. “Mind giving me back three silvers?” I asked. Without response, he took my coin and handed me back three dull silver ones. The man got to work, starting by cleaning the rust off my sword. I watched as he applied something to it and began to scrub the brown stains off. He paid extra attention to the red jewel in the hilt, carefully wiping dust and dirt off. When he was finished, the blade was a bright steel color and looked new. The jewel shone a brilliant crimson. The man proceeded to apply some oil on the whetstone and sharpen sharpen the edges of the blade, moving his arm forward and backwards repeatedly. Some time later, the man carefully laid down ...
    ... my sword and began polishing my armor. He placed a few drops of oil on a cloth and began rubbing away at the rust. The process took a long time, as there were many pieces of armor that needed to be polished. Once he was done, he inspected his work. My sword and armor laid shining on the table, appearing new aside from a few scratches. I was impressed. The man looked at me and spoke. “Say, you look like an experienced fighter. Once upon a time, this old man was a champion. I bet you didn’t expect that, eh?” I was surprised, and the man smirked and continued. “I’ll get to the point. I challenge you to duel with stakes. If I win, I get to keep that red jewel in your sword and replace it with some common stone. I have never seen anything like it before. If you win, however,” he thought for a moment. “If you win, I will give you my trusty bow and a quiver full of arrows. These old hands can’t work it anymore, it’s no use to me.” I considered his proposition for a moment. A bow would be useful, and my jewel did nothing but shine. On the other hand, I did not know how good of a fighter he was, or even me. A few hard minutes of pondering later, I made my choice. I picked up my polished sword from the table and retrieved my chestplate and helmet. I put them on, slipping the visor down. I stood in a defensive stance, gripping my blade with both hands. The jewel glowed a crimson red, as if filled with blood. My opponent smiled and retrieved a long blade and similar pieces of armor from ...