1. Fate's Calling (Chapter 3)

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: Terminix, Source: sexstories.com

    ... underneath the table. The hilt was oriental, and contained a sparkling bronze stone. He slipped on his armor and held his sword with both hands, staying in that position for a few moments, sweat beginning to drip from his forehead. His helmet did not cover his face, leaving it unmasked. We stood across from each other in the small room. “Don’t aim to kill,” he said. I nodded in agreement. I made no move to make the first strike, for I first needed to know his skill. My enemy took that as an opportunity and with lightning speed, he stepped forward and made a quick slash at my chest. I deflected the blow with some effort and found that my opponent was quite strong. I began to worry, for perhaps I had overestimated myself or underestimated my opponent. However, this was no time for doubt. I followed the parry with a stab at his protected chest, which he knocked aside with little effort. My opponent unleashed a flurry of slashes directed at me, going offensive. The swordsman first attempted an overhead blow which I avoided by stepping to the side. Then, my opponent did something astonishing: after missing me with his first attack, he used his momentum to quickly spin around on one toe, executing the movement with perfect balance. The spin allowed him to rapidly attack again in the same direction while leaving very little time for me to prepare another counter. Unprepared, I registered what had just happened just as the blade came swinging towards me. Panicked, I leaped ...
    ... backwards. I found myself pressed flat against the wall, and I could see my opponent smiling. He stood still as a stone for a few seconds, challenging me to fight back. I was trapped in a corner, and had no other option. I made two fast steps towards my opponent and feinted a blow at his head. When he leaned back to avoid the tip of the blade, I tried to swipe his legs out from under him. However, I only managed to take one foot out from under him, and he quickly balanced himself before I could take advantage of his weakness. “So you want to play dirty, eh?” the man asked, slowly backing up away from me and closer to the other wall. “Because I have a few tricks up my sleeve too,” my opponent said, smirking, and began charging at me. I did not expect this act of boldness and recklessness, and had only a moment to decide my next move as the enemy raised his sword in the air for a downwards strike, the bronze stone in the hilt shining brightly. I held onto my blade tightly and readied myself.. I raised my sword to meet his and they collided with great force. However, my opponent was less affected by the recoil of the blow, and quickly slashed at me again from the side. I parried the blow and he rapidly spun his sword around and brought the pommel of his weapon towards me. Something metal glinted on the pommel and my eyes widened as I realized there was a small, unnoticeable dagger protruding from it. The swordsman had meant it when he said he could play dirty too. The small blade could ...