1. Moms Secret Chapter ONE

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Anal Hardcore Mature Author: sassygeorge, Source: xHamster

    ... man should tease you." The camera gradually lifted up to see the lower body of a well-built Caucasian man sitting in a chair, to the left of the screen, wearing shorts. A woman sat on his lap with her back facing the camera. It looked like they were at a hotel or motel room. The woman wore beige shorts and a white tank top. Her legs and thighs were slender. The man was groping on her boobs. This looked like porn! I was caught completely by surprise. I peered around frantically to see if anyone might have caught sight of what I was watching, but fortunately, no one was around. Luckily, there were no line-ups leading to the bathroom. I made sure that my professional-grade earphones were plugged in to ensure that nobody was going to hear what I was going to be watching. The next thing that came into my mind was that I thought it was very bizarre for this kind of video to be here. My mom, in my mind, had normally been very quiet about her sexual life and even the smallest questions about sex discomforted her. Why would there be a porn video on here? But that was not the only surprise. As the camera gained height, the long haired woman looked very familiar to me, to the point that I was praying that it wasn't who I thought it was. Unfortunately, when the camera caught a side glimpse of the woman, it was indeed my mom! She was letting him cup his hands around her breasts and letting him tug on her nipples! The worst part was that the man was clearly not my dad; he was never ...
    ... this buff. I felt my heart skip a beat from this revelation. I could not believe it! My mom, a sexually conservative woman, was apparently engaging in adultery on camera! My mind came back to reality when I heard her laughter. At this point, she still hadn't realized that she was being filmed. Yet when she turned and saw the camera on her, she instinctively tried pushing it away, out of embarrassment. "Hey! No cameras!" But the camera stubbornly returned to its original position. I saw her facial features: she wore light mascara and she had a slight glow on her face. Her lips were shiny from the lip gloss that she had put on. Hidden underneath her long hair wore a pair of medium-sized hoop earrings. Overall, she looked incredibly pretty! There was no doubt that she had dressed to impress. The muscular man said, "Don't worry - this camera is for instructional purposes. Don't you want to be close with your husband again?" My mom pouted impatiently, "Yes, but..." "I know that you're a little nervous with the camera on you, but it's been proven to help for learning. When you look over the footage later on, you'll be glad that you have it!" My mom nodded sheepishly, "Okay, if you say so." The man continued, "You're an incredibly good wife! How many years again have you been with your husband?" She responded, "25 years now, more or less." "Not bad! But if you do exactly as I tell you, you're going to make that number even higher and you'll have a ton of fun that you've never even ...